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Posted By pnoon 04-15-2012
Nothing says good cause like RC poop... (0)
T.G: 09-18-2010 09:57 AM
Funny Vids Thread (29) ( 1 2)
benedic08: 09-17-2010 11:25 PM
Today's Thought - 9/15 (0)
Steve: 09-15-2010 11:03 AM
Questions for God (4)
CasaDooley: 09-14-2010 01:04 PM
How To Shower (5)
cort: 09-13-2010 11:17 PM
Think I got a deal? (7)
markem: 09-13-2010 10:27 PM
Why Men are Happier (15)
Starscream: 09-10-2010 08:50 PM
Tech support chuckle (2)
Starscream: 09-10-2010 08:38 PM
If Star Wars had Facebook (22) ( 1 2)
357: 09-09-2010 08:28 AM
Revised Songs for the TImes... (6)
kelmac07: 09-08-2010 05:07 PM
School Funny (5)
CBI_2: 09-07-2010 08:57 PM
Redneck Jedi (5)
G G: 09-07-2010 08:33 PM
Signs That You are Too Drunk (2)
The Poet: 09-07-2010 05:26 PM
A Discussion among Southern Baptist Women (4)
CBI_2: 09-06-2010 10:15 PM
An Oldie but a Goody (11)
BTcigars: 09-06-2010 03:33 PM
I hate my roommate! (11)
Subvet642: 09-06-2010 09:51 AM
The D&D guys seem normal now (18)
BTcigars: 09-05-2010 03:49 PM
Bad economy !! (15)
ade06: 09-03-2010 11:48 AM
Rebuild your attention span (8)
SaltyMcGee: 09-02-2010 01:33 PM
Great One Liners (3)
bigdix: 09-01-2010 07:21 AM
Dr Pun (51) ( 1 2 3)
JaKaacH: 08-28-2010 12:33 PM
Accesory Optional (2)
CBI_2: 08-27-2010 05:54 PM
Bar scene - nothing going right!!!! (7)
neoflex: 08-27-2010 02:35 PM
Golf Joke (1)
kelmac07: 08-25-2010 04:52 PM
It's so hot that... (16)
CigarDisciple: 08-25-2010 11:19 AM
The Perfect Husband (21) ( 1 2)
CigarDisciple: 08-25-2010 11:18 AM
Two men are playing a round of golf (17)
CBI_2: 08-24-2010 06:27 PM
Bic Lighter (4)
CBI_2: 08-24-2010 06:14 PM
A trial funny... (0)
Steve: 08-23-2010 08:59 AM
Must be future engineers... (12)
QUAZY50: 08-19-2010 10:13 PM
Best Ad Ever...."Wife Interpretation" (12)
14holestogie: 08-19-2010 04:39 PM
Why did the...... (13)
QUAZY50: 08-19-2010 12:28 PM
Rural America rules (26) ( 1 2)
KenyanSandBoa: 08-18-2010 12:24 PM
100 Greatest Movie Insults (20) ( 1 2)
Mugen910: 08-16-2010 02:13 PM
Crashproof motorcycle. (4)
Mr B: 08-13-2010 05:40 PM
Combat Driving (6)
kelmac07: 08-13-2010 01:11 PM
Shark Humor (10)
JaKaacH: 08-12-2010 08:01 PM
Antoine Dodson (1)
landhoney: 08-11-2010 01:17 PM
Beware the analdwelling rebel Martians! (4)
BTcigars: 08-10-2010 05:13 PM
Breast stroke??? (6)
BTcigars: 08-10-2010 04:13 PM

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