Sports>Patriots Football - "We're on a mission"
This is the NFL! There is no such thing as running up the score. You don't like it, play defense!
dogface_313 07:22 PM 10-18-2009
This thread has gone from Patriot haters talking trash, to now whining about the Pats beating up on a team.
Yeah Brady woke up today and the haters are shitin bricks. haha
yachties23 07:26 PM 10-18-2009
I actually am a huge Brady fan, I personally don't want to see him get hurt in a game they have no chance to lose.
Resipsa 07:26 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by Blueface:
Belichick, as much as has roots with the Giants, is an a..hole. He is so lucky a serious injury did not take place today, all at the fun of running up a score. Yeah, I'll say it. He is a prick and loves to humiliate. That is why I cherish that miracle catch so, so much.
Not just him Carlos, the whole organization is classless from head to toe.
Let them beat up on weak teams all they like, come the end of the season they'll be watching the playoffs from home, just like last year.
dogface_313 07:34 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by Resipsa:
Not just him Carlos, the whole organization is classless from head to toe.
Let them beat up on weak teams all they like, come the end of the season they'll be watching the playoffs from home, just like last year.
Who do you see taking the AFC East?
Originally Posted by Resipsa:
Not just him Carlos, the whole organization is classless from head to toe.
Let them beat up on weak teams all they like, come the end of the season they'll be watching the playoffs from home, just like last year.
Resipsa 07:39 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by dogface_313:
Who do you see taking the AFC East?
winning a division by default doesn't impress me.
dogface_313 07:43 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by Resipsa:
winning a division by default doesn't impress me.
Who is your team since you seem to enjoy bashing the Pats so much?
Also, above you said they would be watching the playoffs from home. Winning the division means they will be in the playoffs.
Blueface 07:43 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by Spitnchew:
Yeah Brady woke up today and the haters are shitin bricks. haha
I have openly admitted I am a hater of any team from the Boston area. As a former NY'er, I have to be.
Seriously, did you familiarize yourselves a bit with the Titans?
Have they been in any game this season?
Is their records 0-6 now?
Are they deserving of playing in the NFL or are they a Pop Warner team?
Is this an indication of what the Patriots can do all season long or even do against a "real" team from 2009? Or are they more like they were v. the Jets and last week's game v. Denver where they did not prevail when time was over?
Is this game something to be very proud of?
Just curious.
kugie 07:44 PM 10-18-2009
Go Pats this is the Team we have all been expecting this year
Resipsa 07:49 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by dogface_313:
Who is your team since you seem to enjoy bashing the Pats so much?
Also, above you said they would be watching the playoffs from home. Winning the division means they will be in the playoffs.
1) if you were really a football fan you'd know who I'm a fan of, the answer is in every post I make
2) I never said they would win the division, did I? If I did please point it out to me
Starscream 07:50 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by dogface_313:
Who is your team since you seem to enjoy bashing the Pats so much?
Also, above you said they would be watching the playoffs from home. Winning the division means they will be in the playoffs.
I believe Vic is an Indianapolis fan.
And they may make it to the playoffs, but won't go far was the point being made.
Originally Posted by Blueface:
I have openly admitted I am a hater of any team from the Boston area. As a former NY'er, I have to be.
Seriously, did you familiarize yourselves a bit with the Titans?
Have they been in any game this season?
Is their records 0-6 now?
Are they deserving of playing in the NFL or are they a Pop Warner team?
Is this an indication of what the Patriots can do all season long or even do against a "real" team from 2009? Or are they more like they were v. the Jets and last week's game v. Denver where they did not prevail when time was over?
Is this game something to be very proud of?
Just curious.
you have so much hate in you
dogface_313 07:52 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by Blueface:
I have openly admitted I am a hater of any team from the Boston area. As a former NY'er, I have to be.
Seriously, did you familiarize yourselves a bit with the Titans? Not even sure what you are asking here.
Have they been in any game this season? No
Is their records 0-6 now? yes
Are they deserving of playing in the NFL or are they a Pop Warner team? Silly question, anybody can win any day in the NFL "any give sunday" isn't just a movie title.
Is this an indication of what the Patriots can do all season long or even do against a "real" team from 2009? Or are they more like they were v. the Jets and last week's game v. Denver where they did not prevail when time was over? Certainly this is an indication of what they can do. If it had been a close game and the beat the Titans, we wouldn't be saying anything. However, it wasn't close. They shut them out, while scoring 59 points setting numerous records. Their Offense is looking great!
Is this game something to be very proud of? YES!
Just curious.
How did all the NY teams do today?
Blueface 07:52 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by kugie:
Go Pats this is the Team we have all been expecting this year
I guess you didn't see my post #171.
Tampa Bay next week. I bet they are already trying to figure out how to beat that tough team.
Hey Ryan why don't we go over to the colts thread and whine......Oh wait there is no Colts thread
Starscream 07:54 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by Spitnchew:
you have so much hate in you:-)
I'm glad to see Brady put up all of those points for my fantasy team, but I do agree with what is being said by Carlos and Vic.
dunng 07:54 PM 10-18-2009