Junior 11:04 AM 02-16-2009
When I looked at the prices of 69 at Camero SS that was $3000 when I was 16, but they are now $30,000.
I am an Insurance agent, and it hit me when I started quoting people that were born when I graduated high school.
When I look in the mirror, and my hairline is not what I used to be.
When I got my first real job selling computers they were 386's, and a 256mb hard drive was huge.
When I started driving gas was $.89 a gallon.
Baseball players weren't all juiced up, and the good golf players were a little chubby.
People held doors open for other people, and said please and thank you.
Our telepone when I was a kid was a party line.
Originally Posted by Sailchaser:
when a memory chip for a computer was a stack of punch cards 8 inches high to spell your name:-)
That's funny. I took a computer class a 'while' ago that dealt with the basic science of punchcards and how the computer read them. A hard drive at that time was the size of a washing machine. Two or three megabytes of storage. Incredible.
acarr 11:44 AM 02-16-2009
Originally Posted by Pete:
That's funny. I took a computer class a 'while' ago that dealt with the basic science of punchcards and how the computer read them. A hard drive at that time was the size of a washing machine. Two or three megabytes of storage. Incredible.
and I was just going to mention the 5.25 floppy disk with no hard drive
CBI_2 12:23 PM 02-16-2009
Originally Posted by Junior:
When I looked at the prices of 69 at Camero SS that was $3000 when I was 16, but they are now $30,000.
I am an Insurance agent, and it hit me when I started quoting people that were born when I graduated high school.
When I look in the mirror, and my hairline is not what I used to be.
When I got my first real job selling computers they were 386's, and a 256mb hard drive was huge.
When I started driving gas was $.89 a gallon.
Baseball players weren't all juiced up, and the good golf players were a little chubby.
People held doors open for other people, and said please and thank you.
Our telepone when I was a kid was a party line.
:-):-):-) I remember when we got an IBM PC with an 8088 processor in the engineering department I was working in when they came out.
Sailchaser 12:26 PM 02-16-2009
When popcorn called "JIFFY POP" had to be made on the stove no microwaves
CBI_2 12:34 PM 02-16-2009
Originally Posted by Sailchaser:
when a memory chip for a computer was a stack of punch cards 8 inches high to spell your name:-)
:-):-):-) I used to repair punch card readers.
ca21455 01:53 PM 02-16-2009
Your favorite TV program is Antiques Roadshow.
You go to the workshop to get a tool and have to return to figure out what tool you were going to get.
You were married before the new employees at work were born.
Cigary 04:57 PM 02-16-2009
You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room.
You sing along with the elevator music.
"Getting a little action" means you don't need to take a laxative.
Originally Posted by Pete:
That's funny. I took a computer class a 'while' ago that dealt with the basic science of punchcards and how the computer read them. A hard drive at that time was the size of a washing machine. Two or three megabytes of storage. Incredible.
Why do I suddenly have the urge to eat an Everlasting Gobstoppper?
AD720 08:39 PM 02-16-2009
Originally Posted by Sailkat:
The thing that was even funnier.....was that she acted like it was the most incredible thing she had ever heard
That is pretty cool.
macpappy 09:55 PM 02-16-2009
My first part time job was working at a small independent gas station. We would take the tire off the rim, and patch the tube or inside of the tubeless tire for $2. A gallon of gas was normally 32 cents. During a "gas war" we had gas for 23 cents a gallon.
That's not a typo.
CBI_2 10:50 PM 02-16-2009
Your back goes out more than you do.
When you don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along.
Your idea of a night out is sitting on the patio.
Your joints are more accurate than the National Weather Service. I've had this ability since dislocating my ankle 22 years ago. :-)
and for Scott (TripleF) : You consider coffee one of the most important things in life.
acarr 12:57 AM 02-17-2009
Originally Posted by Sailchaser:
When popcorn called "JIFFY POP" had to be made on the stove no microwaves:-)
I must be old because that was great popcorn!
smokeyandthebandit05 01:12 AM 02-17-2009
totallytentative 08:59 PM 02-17-2009
....when you:
a) Discover you have to take your glasses off to see details up close.
b) Grey hairs.
Skywalker 09:15 PM 02-17-2009
Originally Posted by CBI_2:
:-):-):-) I used to repair punch card readers.
Very similar to your vaporators in most respects...:-)
CBI_2 09:31 PM 02-17-2009
Originally Posted by Skywalker:
Very similar to your vaporators in most respects...:-)
:-):-) I had this dream I heard "I am your father" from some tall dark scary guy with a breathing problem,
smitdavi 09:44 PM 02-17-2009
lol, this is quickly becoming one of my favorite threads. I guess I have something to look forward to in my older years
:-) :-)
MarkMc 09:54 PM 02-17-2009
You know whose phone number this is.......
And don't say you never dailed it!
Kreth 09:57 PM 02-17-2009
Originally Posted by totallytentative:
b) Grey hairs.
What's worse is when they're not on your head...