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Sports>Tiger woods hurt in Car Crash..
Starscream 05:22 PM 12-02-2009
Originally Posted by floydpink:
It was reveled today that Tiger was listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd on the classic rock station.

"That Smell" came on, and they said, "whiskey bottle, brand new car, oak tree you're in my way."

Originally Posted by Blueface:
Looks like Tiger got caught being naughty.
That tape released today is damning.
While infidelity is too widespread today and should not be tolerable, the guy is human and if famous preachers can do it and be forgiven, I am sure all will get over it with Tiger also.

Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
Well, Heck, Carlos, sometimes even Presidents do it! After a while, enough "role models" will caught out and we will think that it is OK, no need for forgiveness when it becomes the norm.
That's what's wrong with our society in this age. $h!t happens, and all people make mistakes, but when the media has to snoop around on ALL celebrities and see their mistakes, then everyone will think that it's OK for anybody to get away with it. Kind of like the old saying, "if everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?". I'm not trying to crucify Tiger, Clinton, or any other celebrity. Their personal life is their own and it is sad that EVERYONE has to know what goes on in it. That's why I couldn't be a celebrity; I'd beat the $h!t out of all the people who try to pry into my life.
kelmac07 08:49 PM 12-02-2009
Sorry guys...I couldn't resist when I saw this...

Blueface 05:23 AM 12-03-2009
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Sorry guys...I couldn't resist when I saw this...

That is funny stuff.
mrreindeer 09:04 AM 12-03-2009
OH hell yes:
mrreindeer 09:08 AM 12-03-2009
did u hear tiger changed his name?
iRiSh 09:14 AM 12-03-2009
Originally Posted by mrreindeer:
did u hear tiger changed his name?
to what?
mrreindeer 09:22 AM 12-03-2009
Blueface 09:47 AM 12-03-2009
Originally Posted by mrreindeer:
OH hell yes:
Too funny.
I purposely hit things to see what would happen. Boy does she beat the crap out of him.:-)
mrreindeer 10:23 AM 12-03-2009
iRiSh 11:49 AM 12-03-2009
Originally Posted by mrreindeer:
i should have seen that comming bud!
good one:-)
tobii3 01:21 PM 12-03-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
That's what's wrong with our society in this age. $h!t happens, and all people make mistakes
Now that we view infidelity as only a "mistake" it makes it much easier for everyone to do and accept. Disgusting.

Pretty sad state of affairs when NOTHING is sacred anymore.
Ashcan Bill 01:21 PM 12-03-2009
I blame his link to Nike for the whole ugly affair.

He apparently took their "Just Do It" recommendation a little too literally.
coastietech 01:52 PM 12-03-2009
Originally Posted by tobii3:
Now that we view infidelity as only a "mistake" it makes it much easier for everyone to do and accept. Disgusting.

Pretty sad state of affairs when NOTHING is sacred anymore.
Umm no offense but infidelity has been around for as long as marriage has and has often been looked at the same way it is today.

I tend to laugh when people make it sound like our state of affairs today is worse than it was during any other part of history.

Here's a good quote for you...

"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"

Just for the record that was a quote by Plato... Sounds like something you would here some old guy now a days say right.

My point is the same things that happen today, happened yesterday, last year, last decade, and last century.
tobii3 01:57 PM 12-03-2009
Define ""sexual relations""

President Bill Clinton.

Funny you take the approach of ""It's not OUR fault, it's been happening since....." Just like everyone else who refuses to take RESPONSIBLITY for their's never THEIR fault, of course!!

""But Joey did it!! Why am I being punished??""

Personal Responsibility has been thrown out.

This is what’s wrong with our society. We’ve become a people that hold everyone responsible, but ourselves.

In the words of Herbert Spencer -

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
coastietech 02:43 PM 12-03-2009
Originally Posted by tobii3:
Define ""sexual relations""

President Bill Clinton.

Funny you take the approach of ""It's not OUR fault, it's been happening since....." Just like everyone else who refuses to take RESPONSIBLITY for their's never THEIR fault, of course!!

""But Joey did it!! Why am I being punished??""

Personal Responsibility has been thrown out.

This is what’s wrong with our society. We’ve become a people that hold everyone responsible, but ourselves.

In the words of Herbert Spencer -

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
Haha talk about a red herring... I never said anything about responsibility or people not taking it. I wasn't making an excuse for Tiger. I was responding to your post about society being different now a days because a marriage isn't sacred. Here read my post again...

Originally Posted by coastietech:
Umm no offense but infidelity has been around for as long as marriage has and has often been looked at the same way it is today.

I tend to laugh when people make it sound like our state of affairs today is worse than it was during any other part of history.

Here's a good quote for you...

"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"

Just for the record that was a quote by Plato... Sounds like something you would here some old guy now a days say right.

My point is the same things that happen today, happened yesterday, last year, last decade, and last century.
Now that you've done that I will pick apart your above argument. Glad you brought up Bill Clinton. He took more responsibility for what he did then Kennedy did with Marilyn. So I guess that's a perfect example of how our society is going backwards right? The only difference in society now and 10 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago is the amount of information that is present and available and the fact that we become more civilized as a people. It's no longer acceptable to chop off an adulterers head. Doesn't mean there is a lack of responsibility. Tiger took responsibility he admitted he what he did. He risks losing his marriage, more money then you and I will ever see, and he risks losing the ability to see his kids everyday. How much more responsibility would you like him to take? He risked losing more than Paris risked when he took Helen of Troy. Hell he didn't even fight his own battle for her. Haven't you seen the movie? :-) :-)

My point, that you failed to see, was this... Society is exactly the same as it was in any other point in history. There has always been murder, rape, adultery, and ever other crime. Stats actually show that we are better as an American society than we have ever been. Your "Leave it to Beaver" society is and was a farce. The only difference between that era and this one is and was the ability or lack thereof to get information widely disseminated.

I've had this argument with many other people and no offense to you or your "debating skills", the facts and history is on my side. Pull out all the quotes you want, I can pull just as many if not more. We as a society are the same as we have always been no better and no worse.
tobii3 05:11 PM 12-03-2009

You're right Coastie.....nothing has changed.


always great to debate with ya, bro!!!
Commander Quan 05:26 PM 12-03-2009
Q: What do Tiger Woods and baby seals have in common?

A: They both get clubbed by Scandinavians. :-):-):-)
tobii3 05:31 PM 12-03-2009
heard on the radio -

Now Showing!!

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Hydrant.....:-)
Sauer Grapes 05:31 PM 12-03-2009
Originally Posted by taltos:
Glad that we are using TMZ as a reliable source. Another one reporting crap is the Enquirer. A man's lifetime of work and good deeds is thrown away because he and Elin might have had a fight? I remember when there were warnings from the mods about jumping to conclusions on an issue. Going back to being a hermit until this is resolved.
I should apologize for posting the link to an obvious tabloid site that was just spreading untrue and hurtful rumors. :-) I kid.

Anyway, it pretty much looks like this is starting to get resolved, so you are welcome to come back out into the open now!

Obviously, anything on TMZ needs to be taken with a grain of salt, but they're accuracy is pretty darn good now. Now, I'd be the first to admit that TMZ is bad for the world and that they do far more harm than good on average.
coastietech 05:41 PM 12-03-2009
Originally Posted by tobii3:

You're right Coastie.....nothing has changed.


always great to debate with ya, bro!!!
What that chart doesn't show is the amount of couples that stayed together and slept in different rooms or took up cheating because they were so miserable. The divorce rate chart is like that simply because during those times divorces were harder to get and often times not granted unless there was infidelity or physical abuse and often times even then it wasn't granted because women weren't afforded equal rights.

Divorce rates didn't increase because more people starting getting unhappy or giving up, divorce rates soared because women started breaking out of their roles. It soared because courts started making it easier to get a divorce.

A chart can be made to make any point, but if you don't know the history behind the numbers or you don't know the reasons behind it then it's just a chart and nothing more.

I can show you charts that show crime has gone down drastically in areas around the country. What those charts don't show is that certain crimes have been removed from the report when they were being reported year before, or that if the criminals weren't convicted the arrest doesn't count towards the crime rate like it did before.

So if that's the only "proof" you have then you've got a lot of ground to make up. :-)
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