Don't buy a box unless you know you want 20 (or 25
:-)) of them. Boxes take up valuable humi space and are an investment in what could otherwise be productive sampling of several other lines, trying to find your new favorite.
That being said, if space and funds allow and you stumble acorss a good deal, don't pass it up.
I think the first time I bought cigars it was a box, a fiver box of middleton cherries or swisher sweets.
I was on vacation about 7 years ago and bought a box of cigars to share with friends. It was a shop blend suggested by the owner. Never smoked a one before buying the box. I still do the same thing. I had a good number of "didn't like's" at the beginning. The "don't like" boxes are few and far between nowadays, but they aren't hard to get rid of if I don't dig them.