Dunkel 06:01 PM 09-21-2009
Well handled MCS! There's plenty of sites that give great service, this obviously is not one of them.
Texan in Mexico 06:41 PM 09-21-2009
I agree, you handled yourself in a gentlemanly fashion and they simply did not act accordingly.
captain53 07:08 PM 09-21-2009
Cigar Inspector has a do not buy warning posted on Duque, also T Hunter has his cell phone number posted on there to call him, heck Major dial him up and fill his ears!

But it does not appear he responds to cell phone any better than PM:
jordan said,
on July 17th, 2009 at 16:14
I have called and sent dozens of emails. I tried the cell number listed on the website and some kept answering and then hanging up. I ordered cigars for my wedding and never received them. I will never do business with these guys again. They had no problem taking my money, but could not be reached or bothered to send me a product.
jake said,
on August 11th, 2009 at 18:03
I wander if this company really exists. Nobody ever answers any of the listed phones,including the phone of the company’s owner.
kelmac07 07:13 PM 09-21-2009
Anyone heard from Alex? Didn't he start working there recently?
Genetic Defect 10:22 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Anyone heard from Alex? Didn't he start working there recently?
negative on him working there.
Starz26 07:20 AM 09-22-2009
CigarNut 07:25 AM 09-22-2009
Originally Posted by Brooks W:
Leaf and Ale is good people :-)
Agreed! I had really good and fast service on my recent order!
Genetic Defect 09:56 AM 09-22-2009
SNKBYT 06:16 PM 09-22-2009
I knew nothing of this and never received a PM about this issue...I haven't started working there yet until they open their new store...Scott send me a PM w/your addy and I will look into this tomorrow........sorry things went this far
longknocker 06:18 PM 09-22-2009
Originally Posted by snkbyt:
I knew nothing of this and never received a PM about this issue...I haven't started working there yet until they open their new store...Scott send me a PM w/your addy and I will look into this tomorrow........sorry things went this far
Thanks for looking into this, Alex.
MajorCaptSilly 06:31 PM 09-22-2009
Originally Posted by snkbyt:
I knew nothing of this and never received a PM about this issue...I haven't started working there yet until they open their new store...Scott send me a PM w/your addy and I will look into this tomorrow........sorry things went this far
This is why I didn't want to out the retailer. I would hate to cause any problems with Alex as he's one of our finest. This really tears me up. PM was sent to Alex. I feel as terrible now as I felt justified when I started this thread.
Smokin Gator 06:32 PM 09-22-2009
Sorry to hear about it brother... I had an issue there in the past. They did finally clear it up big time... but it took months and many emails and calls.
BlackDog 06:35 PM 09-22-2009
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
This is why I didn't want to out the retailer. I would hate to cause any problems with Alex as he's one of our finest. This really tears me up. PM was sent to Alex. I feel as terrible now as I felt justified when I started this thread.
The issue isn't really Alex's to fix though, it's Tom the owner's. I don't see this as any negative reflection on Alex.
longknocker 06:45 PM 09-22-2009
Originally Posted by BlackDog:
The issue isn't really Alex's to fix though, it's Tom the owner's. I don't see this as any negative reflection on Alex.
I agree. Alex will definitely get to the root of the issue, but it's the owner's responsibility to make it right.
Smokin Gator 06:47 PM 09-22-2009
Originally Posted by BlackDog:
The issue isn't really Alex's to fix though, it's Tom the owner's. I don't see this as any negative reflection on Alex.
captain53 06:55 PM 09-22-2009
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
This is why I didn't want to out the retailer. I would hate to cause any problems with Alex as he's one of our finest. This really tears me up. PM was sent to Alex. I feel as terrible now as I felt justified when I started this thread.
Based on numerous comments found on various consumer sites this company has a definite habit of the same sort of wrong doings as yours. Everybody screws up once in a while but that is not the case here. Secondly it is piss poor management when you have to call on a friend to fix a legitimate problem that customer service should have fixed in 1 call. Alex is just in the middle and as a good member and friend trying to fix things with you and the company, nothing but respect from anyone for that.
Sr Mike 06:22 AM 09-23-2009
Originally Posted by leafandale:
Sometimes online inventory and REAL inventory numbers get out of line and things get ordered that we don't have at that time. That person always get's an email or phone call to let them know the status and I allow that person the choice to keep their order in place or cancel. I never charge anyones card until the box is ready to be sealed and postage affixed.
That is exactly why I am a repeat customer at some retailers I purchase from, not all are cigar related either.
SNKBYT 11:45 AM 09-23-2009
PM'd Scott on this matter yesterday.....today I found his $ was refunded and he was sent some free Cain Torpedo's for his trouble....on a side note they have updated the web site and are working on fixing the inventory to real time on hand as items sell........still best to call first to ensure availability of product as some items sell faster than others.......any further issues, please PM me for help.

MajorCaptSilly 11:56 AM 09-23-2009
I got a PM from Tom today saying he was sending me a 5 pack of Cain cigars for my trouble. The website has also been updated to say the robustos are not in stock. Thank you, Alex for following up on this for me. I hope that Duque can get their communication issues fixed. That would make all the difference in the world. It's easy to draw incorrecct conclusions when the communication is not there. I wish Duque the best of luck and hope they can overcome.
Starscream 12:30 PM 09-23-2009
Nicely done, Alex!
Glad to see the problem was handled, MCS.