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View Poll Results: Do you own/use a draw tool?
Yes I own one and use it frequently/occasionally. 62 36.90%
No, I don't own one, but I would use one if I did own one. 80 47.62%
I don't own a draw tool because I wouldn't use it, or I own one and don't use it. 26 15.48%
Voters: 168. You may not vote on this poll
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All Cigar Discussion>Cigar draw tools?
Whee 05:07 PM 12-28-2008
Bought a set of Henry's tools from Heartfelt and while I have not had to use them often...they have been great when pressed into service.
Blueface 05:42 PM 12-28-2008
Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe:
Got a beautiful set of Henry's with "SmokeyJoe" embossed on the handles... SWEET! :-)
Me too. Mine say my name though.:-)

I happened to leave them outside, in my patio, in Florida.
Nothing survives that.
They are now slightly rusted but I prefer to call the look "rustic".:-)
SilverFox 06:22 PM 12-28-2008
I never go (or rather went) anywhere without my Henry Tools gifted to me by Old Sailor. Seems someone liked them at the last herf as they disappeared :-)
SmokinApe 06:26 PM 12-28-2008
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
I never go (or rather went) anywhere without my Henry Tools gifted to me by Old Sailor. Seems someone liked them at the last herf as they disappeared :-)

groogs 08:18 PM 12-28-2008
I couldn't find any Henry's tools so I started making my own Draw Pokers. This is what I came up with.

brigey57 08:34 PM 12-28-2008
I can't say I've ever needed one. I have only found a handful of cigars that did not have a good to great draw. :-)
Sailchaser 08:46 PM 12-28-2008
A stainless steel worm threader from any tackle store will set you back about 3 bucks and works just great
Silound 09:20 PM 12-28-2008
Ok, well since so many people seem like they'd like one, I'm going to try and finalize a better (sic) design than the one I have currently, and make a few prototypes for testing. If all goes well, I'll post further.
ucla695 07:35 AM 12-29-2008
I don't own one, but would if I had too. Luckily, I haven't had the need to use one since I lowered my RH to 62-65% several years ago. I also test the draw before I light, so that also helps me avoid the need for a draw tool.
totallytentative 03:12 AM 12-30-2008
I guess I should feel fortunate that I picked up a set of Henry's Tools before they vanished. They come with a nice set of instructions that's entertaining to read.

On the topic about making draw tools, I noticed one day that there are barbeque or grill skewers that have wooden handles (maybe a bit large, mind you) and shafts that are marked off at 1" intervals like Henry's tools so that you can judge how far in it goes. I haven't compared the shaft sizes to see if they're comparable, but this was at a dollar store, so I'm sure someone sells a set the right size somewhere. If someone wants to bend a couple, cut it, and file down the tips I could see it working.
Partagaspete 01:02 PM 12-31-2008
I posted I do not own one but would use one because as of now I use bamboo skewers and sometimes the split wrappers because thier are probably thicker than a draw tool

vicvitola 01:16 PM 12-31-2008
My favorite is the ashtray, followed by the lighting of another cigar.
Texan in Mexico 01:25 PM 12-31-2008
Originally Posted by floydpink:
Even though I don't approve of the way Henry treats the nurses in the hospital, I respect his hard work in the shed out back enough to use his tools and find they work very well. PERIOD.
Is this a MASH reference?

If so, very funny. If not, I will slowly back out of the room!
Mr B 04:55 PM 12-31-2008
That's funny that a few of you mentioned the worm threader. I thought of that also. I make my own bass lures so currently I am using a .051 Buzzbait wire to poke mine.
Stogieboy 04:11 PM 01-01-2009
I think I smell a worm threader group buy coming. :-) Maybe CA customized worm threaders. SSWwwwweeeettttt!
SmokinApe 08:40 PM 01-01-2009
I work by a BassProShop... I am going to pick up the worm threader and give it a try...
SmokinAFuente 11:30 PM 01-01-2009
Now we can't have a draw poker thread with out adding the one from the long gone Petroglyph Design. Here is a pic of mine.


It's hard to see, but the pointed end is serrated(sp?) and helps keep the hole from closing back up.
GTCanuk 06:30 PM 01-02-2009
The hanger trick usually works for me.:-)
Asher 06:45 PM 01-02-2009
I have a set of Henry's Draw Tools, and they've saved some otherwise unsmokeable sticks.
hotreds 06:46 PM 01-02-2009
Paper clip, but worm threader sounds like a better solution!
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