chippewastud79 12:33 AM 12-27-2011
Originally Posted by Flounder:
Last I checked.. the US government doesn't recognize religious holidays as National holidays? So much for the separation. I'm not Jewish, but we didn't close for all 8 days of Chanukah.
Do you have a proposition for which holidays should be recognized by the government/common folk? Or would it be just the ones that don't inconvienence you?
icehog3 12:49 AM 12-27-2011
I've worked the majority of Chirsitmases, Easters, Thanksgivings, 4th of Julys, Labor Days, Memorial Days, etc over that last 25 years. Maybe affer you finish being a student and get into the "real world", you will appreciate why we might give someone the Monday after a Sunday holiday off. I wasn't off this time, but I certainly don't owe you or anyone else an apology if I am.
Christmas.....a wonderful time of year to think of someone
other than yourself.
MedicCook 12:55 AM 12-27-2011
I worked X-Mas eve, a double on X-Mas, and the day after X-Mas all on straight time and I am a 'Government' employee as a County 911 Dispatcher. We all have a choice of the job we work. Some of us get different perks at the job we choose. If you don't like the perks get a different job with perks you like.
icehog3 01:07 AM 12-27-2011
Dr Voss 01:16 AM 12-27-2011
I work from home and travel so I am always at work and never at work. Days off for holidays are just days I don't turn on the work computer or go out of town. Besides that I'm salaried so days off are just bookkeeping entries, I still end up working more than enough hours to cover them.
bobarian 01:40 AM 12-27-2011
Doesnt this thread belong in the Joke section?
Seriously, a complaint about postal workers taking a day off being a personal inconvenience? Try using the machine in the lobby that allows you to print labels and drop your package in the box or better yet use USPS online and print your own labels in a timely manner that can be picked up at your home the day or week before Christmas.
In addition to our hard working government workers in LE, there are many thousands of workers your age working 24/7 in conditions you might find more than just inconvenient.
DPD6030 01:41 AM 12-27-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I work for the government, and I am working today.
I have suggested to my bosses that we work 365 days next year, screw this "holiday" crap.
You and I both know we always get stuck working the holidays
gettysburgfreak 06:54 AM 12-27-2011
I work for the feds, had to work thanksgiving, christmas eve, christmas day, and will have to work new years. Unfortunately bad guys dont take holidays off.
kaisersozei 08:25 AM 12-27-2011
Originally Posted by Flounder:
I'm sorry. I came off frustrated.. i just would really like the postal system to be operational as i am trying to send and get a few things that should have occurred last week but the whole Christmas thing is making it all late. I don' telling people one.week that i dont have their gift because the world stops for the day after Christmas.
Your rage against the machine is misplaced. In the military, it's called the 7Ps.
yachties23 08:31 AM 12-27-2011
Try going outside the country. I was in Ireland for X-Mas/New Years about 10 years ago.. During the two weeks I was there, the banks were opened for a total of 2 and a half days. There was almost no sanitation pickup or mail delivery, and they deal with it just fine.
If you prepare knowing banks/services will be closed on certain days, it almost certainly won't be an issue. Keep in mind places usually give holidays on Mondays if the holiday falls on the weekend.
When you are out of school and working you will appreciate it much more.
pnoon 09:31 AM 12-27-2011
Originally Posted by yachties23:
When you are out of school and working you will appreciate it much more.
we can only hope
Dave128 10:44 AM 12-27-2011
Just think of it as a chance for people to spend one more day with their family. Nothing is more important than that.
theonlybear4CORT 10:57 AM 12-27-2011
Originally Posted by markem:
If you think that's bad, wait until you hear about the 1st on the 2nd. That'll literally blow your mind and is sure to leave you in a coma of confusion.
Stephen 03:41 PM 12-27-2011
Originally Posted by Flounder:
So. Being a student employee ive had no work these past 2 weeks with break. But why do we need to obverve Christmas today with all government and banks closed? I get that its nice to have a day off. But i feel like the only thing being accomplished is getting a day off of work?
Any of you guys have to work today because you don't work for the government? Just makes me sad with the state of our nation and economy, the last thing we need is more days off.
I dint mean to offend anybody, and i know everyone works hard. J just hate that our whole nation is shut down today because Christmas was yesterday.
We're observing Kwanzaa, not Christmas, yo.