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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10
Blueface 12:39 PM 12-09-2010
This link may end up being a bigger money maker than the texts for your free Wallmart gift card.:-):-):-)
NeuRon 12:44 PM 12-09-2010
sick! good for keeping random lighters around the cars, boat, garage, shed, etc... lol
BigAsh 12:51 PM 12-09-2010
Originally Posted by waffle:
when do you NOT need lighters?
true!...duly ordered :-)
Brutus2600 12:56 PM 12-09-2010
Trying to pull the trigger but it won't accept my registration for some reason...guess I'll keep trying :-)
ripper 01:18 PM 12-09-2010
They're giving 'em away. I'm in.
Thanks Mr. Hog.
gvarsity 01:30 PM 12-09-2010
Thanks for the link picked up a pack. This will be very useful.
CasaDooley 01:47 PM 12-09-2010
I need more lighters like I need a hole in the head!

Anyone have an extra bung?:-) 12 on the way. Thanks Tom:-)
awsmith4 01:58 PM 12-09-2010
Are these jet or soft flame?
dwoodward 01:59 PM 12-09-2010
Meh, I am still debating buying... I already have 10 Ronsons lol...

Gosh! The value is just so right, but I don't wanna spend the money lol
Ogre 02:06 PM 12-09-2010
Originally Posted by dwoodward:
Meh, I am still debating buying... I already have 10 Ronsons lol...

Gosh! The value is just so right, but I don't wanna spend the money lol
The money?? They make great bomb gifts and cheap!!!
BeerAdvocate 02:15 PM 12-09-2010
I couldnt pass it up. Im in!!!
14holestogie 02:24 PM 12-09-2010
Originally Posted by awsmith4:
Are these jet or soft flame?
I believe I saw torch in the description.
hotreds 02:24 PM 12-09-2010
Gonna get some for the troops!
n3uka 02:32 PM 12-09-2010
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
I don't need lighters. :-)
The troops could always use lighters :-)
MarioF 02:33 PM 12-09-2010
I'm in, what a deal.
T.G 02:35 PM 12-09-2010
Originally Posted by awsmith4:
Are these jet or soft flame?
Neither it would seem. Ronson defines the jets and soft flames differently - follow the link at the end of this post to the archive site and click on the jetlite and the comet lighters - note the visual depiction of the flames.

Windproof low profile blue-flame. If these are what I think they are, they are more of a cigarette lighter than a cigar lighter. If they are anything like the Colibri with similar style flame that I used to own a long time ago, they can light a cigarette in hurricane but really are kind of a pain for cigars and touchups are exceptionally difficult.

Again, there are a couple "IF"s in there - I could be completely wrong as I'm not personally familiar with this lighter, but based on the description and picture, that's what it sounds like anyway. Or it might work better for cigars than the Colibri I used to own.

awsmith4 02:44 PM 12-09-2010
So like the ones with the little coil that heats up and produces a flame?
canucks6024 02:45 PM 12-09-2010
Boo, no international shipping. Rules out us here north of the border :-)
max_power 02:50 PM 12-09-2010
It's funny; I was just reading everyone's reviews on the Jetlites, when i saw this thread. I jumped on it too. Who knows what we'll get?

Looking at the description on Shnoop, it says [Ronson Euro Lite] in the little description. I wonder if these are not made for the USDM?
Skywalker 02:56 PM 12-09-2010
Originally Posted by T.G:
Neither it would seem. Ronson defines the jets and soft flames differently - follow the link at the end of this post to the archive site and click on the jetlite and the comet lighters - note the visual depiction of the flames.

Windproof low profile blue-flame. If these are what I think they are, they are more of a cigarette lighter than a cigar lighter. If they are anything like the Colibri with similar style flame that I used to own a long time ago, they can light a cigarette in hurricane but really are kind of a pain for cigars and touchups are exceptionally difficult.

Again, there are a couple "IF"s in there - I could be completely wrong as I'm not personally familiar with this lighter, but based on the description and picture, that's what it sounds like anyway. Or it might work better for cigars than the Colibri I used to own.

But it said... "These Ronson Amero Lite butane torch lighters"!!!:-)
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