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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10
icehog3 02:15 AM 12-09-2010

I have no experience or affiliation with schnoop, just passing along the info.
CigarGuy88 02:35 AM 12-09-2010
Tom you rock!
14holestogie 02:43 AM 12-09-2010
Originally Posted by CigarGuy88:
Tom you rock!

free shipping, too!
mariogolbee 02:49 AM 12-09-2010
Nice. Thanks, Tom!
AlohaStyle 03:04 AM 12-09-2010
Sauer Grapes 03:38 AM 12-09-2010
Use coupon code lighter1 for a dollar off.
LostAbbott 04:02 AM 12-09-2010
Sweet deal! Now I will soon have plenty of fire.
Bunker 04:35 AM 12-09-2010
massphatness 04:47 AM 12-09-2010
-$1.00 coupon code
+ FREE Shipping
$15.99 for 12 Ronsons!

Score! :-)
cort 06:12 AM 12-09-2010
Deal and a half:-)
kelmac07 06:18 AM 12-09-2010
Grabbed two...:-) :-) One for Ferdie, one for me.
Don Fernando 06:23 AM 12-09-2010
much appriciated Mac
acarr 07:34 AM 12-09-2010
Great! Thanks!
oramac 07:39 AM 12-09-2010
Excellent find! Just ordered one!:-)
jmsremax 07:53 AM 12-09-2010
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
free shipping, too!
DBall 08:00 AM 12-09-2010
Wow... that's awesome. Ronson's are my favorite lighters and they are giving them away (even though I need to pay tax cuz Shnoop and I are in the same state). Sweet!

Thanks, Tom... I owe ya one.
Don Fernando 08:03 AM 12-09-2010
Originally Posted by DBall:

Thanks, Tom... I owe ya one.
for this price, you can owe him 12 :-)
guitar4001 08:08 AM 12-09-2010
that is a good deal...if only i needed some lighters.
shilala 08:11 AM 12-09-2010
I checked Reselleratings on schnoop, they have a 6/10 or thereabouts. I did it cause I never heard of them before.
I figure a 6/10 is probably pretty good considering the only people that are going to take time to post a review are the ones who are really pissed.
For 16 bucks I'll give them a shot. If it works out, I'll be totally stoked. :-)
Thanks Tom!!!
waffle 08:12 AM 12-09-2010
Originally Posted by guitar4001:
that is a good deal...if only i needed some lighters.
when do you NOT need lighters?
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