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Sports>Tiger woods hurt in Car Crash..
NCRadioMan 12:36 PM 11-28-2009
Originally Posted by taltos:
Glad that we are using TMZ as a reliable source. Another one reporting crap is the Enquirer. A man's lifetime of work and good deeds is thrown away because he and Elin might have had a fight? I remember when there were warnings from the mods about jumping to conclusions on an issue. Going back to being a hermit until this is resolved.
Whatever you may think of them, TMZ and the Enquirer has a record of breaking major stories that the regular media didn't touch. And yes, they have reported bogus stuff too, but so has "reputable" news outlets. And it's not just TMZ that is reporting it, the Police have come out and said as much about why they want to question the both of them.
icehog3 02:04 PM 11-28-2009
Originally Posted by taltos:
Glad that we are using TMZ as a reliable source. Another one reporting crap is the Enquirer. A man's lifetime of work and good deeds is thrown away because he and Elin might have had a fight? I remember when there were warnings from the mods about jumping to conclusions on an issue. Going back to being a hermit until this is resolved.
You know I love you much, Paul, but I don't agree that this is a Mod issue at this point. All the facts will come out I am sure, but people will speculate about celebrities, that is the nature of the beast.
ahc4353 02:28 PM 11-28-2009
If that's true, we might as well get this started.

Elin's revenge boink partner sign-up

1A - ahc4353
1 - 14holestogie

tobii3 03:03 PM 11-28-2009
dunno about you two, but if she chased him outta the house swinging a golf club at him, y'all can HAVE HER!!!!!!!
14holestogie 03:13 PM 11-28-2009
Originally Posted by ahc4353:
If that's true, we might as well get this started.

Elin's revenge boink partner sign-up

1A - ahc4353
1 - 14holestogie

HEY! No cuts! :-):-)
Tarks 04:03 PM 11-28-2009
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
HEY! No cuts! :-):-)
I'm in but I want to be first on the list! :-)
ucla695 10:09 PM 11-28-2009
How ever the sticks may fall in this, I'd place money that it was related to a domestic dispute. Perhaps he fled as his wife was bashing his car with a golf club and he was paying more attention to her than the road. :-)
replicant_argent 10:11 PM 11-28-2009
someone told his wife, if she is going to chase Tiger with a golf club, chase him with a 1 iron.

Because everyone knows anyone that is swinging a one iron is a dangerous MOFO.
iRiSh 02:33 AM 11-29-2009
is there any update state-side on tiger?
floydpink 06:25 AM 11-29-2009
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
someone told his wife, if she is going to chase Tiger with a golf club, chase him with a 1 iron.

Because everyone knows anyone that is swinging a one iron is a dangerous MOFO.

Ever since he has been 21, Tiger has been chased by people with golf clubs.

The guy is human and hopefully can catch a break. The helicopters have been buzzing over his neighborhood for 2 days now which, along with a damaged tree, must have him less than popular in Isleworth this week.
dogface_313 07:26 AM 11-29-2009
I will throw my thoughts in on this one as well.

I will start by saying I am biased. I am a huuuuuge Tiger fan, just wanted to put that out there.

However, at first I thought it must be Alcohol related. This had me very upset, DUI is a huge deal to me and he was immediately down a few points in my book. Glad to hear that the Police are saying it is not alcohol related. However, now that it is being said that it is a domestic issue that may result from infidelity on his part I am equally and maybe more perturbed.
I hope the allegations of infidelity are untrue, as well as domestic violence of any kind. As an avid golfer, and golf fan any mark on Tiger is bad for the sport. Think about the pre-Tiger era and how low key tourneys and the sport were in general. It is selfish on my part as a fan, but I hope some how Tiger is not to blame here.
iRiSh 07:30 AM 11-29-2009
Originally Posted by dogface_313:
I will throw my thoughts in on this one as well.

I will start by saying I am biased. I am a huuuuuge Tiger fan, just wanted to put that out there.

However, at first I thought it must be Alcohol related. This had me very upset, DUI is a huge deal to me and he was immediately down a few points in my book. Glad to hear that the Police are saying it is not alcohol related. However, now that it is being said that it is a domestic issue that may result from infidelity on his part I am equally and maybe more perturbed.
I hope the allegations of infidelity are untrue, as well as domestic violence of any kind. As an avid golfer, and golf fan any mark on Tiger is bad for the sport. Think about the pre-Tiger era and how low key tourneys and the sport were in general. It is selfish on my part as a fan, but I hope some how Tiger is not to blame here.
i agree, woods is a great pro. it will all come out in the wash what has happened. we'll just have to wait and see
Ahbroody 04:09 PM 11-29-2009
Originally Posted by dogface_313:
I will throw my thoughts in on this one as well.

I will start by saying I am biased. I am a huuuuuge Tiger fan, just wanted to put that out there.

However, at first I thought it must be Alcohol related. This had me very upset, DUI is a huge deal to me and he was immediately down a few points in my book. Glad to hear that the Police are saying it is not alcohol related. However, now that it is being said that it is a domestic issue that may result from infidelity on his part I am equally and maybe more perturbed.
I hope the allegations of infidelity are untrue, as well as domestic violence of any kind. As an avid golfer, and golf fan any mark on Tiger is bad for the sport. Think about the pre-Tiger era and how low key tourneys and the sport were in general. It is selfish on my part as a fan, but I hope some how Tiger is not to blame here.
I must have missed where the police are saying its not alcohol related. He is still refusing to meet with them. Cancelled three appointements with them.

“This situation is my fault, and it’s obviously embarrassing to my family and me,” Woods said. “I’m human and I’m not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

What would appear to be indications of drunk driving and repeated refusals to meet with Police to even discuss the matter? If he didnt live in the gated community he would have already talked to police. Like anyone else would have.
Whee 04:36 PM 11-29-2009
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
someone told his wife, if she is going to chase Tiger with a golf club, chase him with a 1 iron.

Because everyone knows anyone that is swinging a one iron is a dangerous MOFO.
I heard that if you are caught in a lightening storm on a course to hold a 1-iron aloft.

Because even God can;t hit a 1-iron.:-)
dogface_313 05:33 PM 11-29-2009
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
I must have missed where the police are saying its not alcohol related. He is still refusing to meet with them. Cancelled three appointements with them.

“This situation is my fault, and it’s obviously embarrassing to my family and me,” Woods said. “I’m human and I’m not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

What would appear to be indications of drunk driving and repeated refusals to meet with Police to even discuss the matter? If he didnt live in the gated community he would have already talked to police. Like anyone else would have.
They have said it is not alcohol related several times. He has no requirement to meet with them. It is being considered a traffic accident, in which case he only must provide Drivers license, Registration, and proof of insurance. Just because people are curious does not mean he has to provide anymore information that you would about your Private life.
Ahbroody 06:45 PM 11-29-2009
Originally Posted by dogface_313:
They have said it is not alcohol related several times. He has no requirement to meet with them. It is being considered a traffic accident, in which case he only must provide Drivers license, Registration, and proof of insurance. Just because people are curious does not mean he has to provide anymore information that you would about your Private life.

No. They said there were no indications at the time, but they also said he was lying in the street, they said he was mumbling but apparently it was not coherent, they said he did not say a word to the police. It doesnt sound as though they got to close at the time. This was private property. It sounds as though they have a private security force and the PD was just standing by at request.

Sorry because I am a cop I have a different view of the facts. I also know that in my state he would be required to provide more than what you have stated. Every officer I know would have conducted an invstigation at the time. This did not occur. I would have interviewed him and performed FSTS at the scene. I would have also had him submit to a breath test. If he refused at the scene he would have immediately lost his license for a year. As it appears he was mumbling and incoherent blood would have been drawn at the hospital. Most states have exactly the same laws as to driving and . Your statment about curious people is off base. The reason he has not subject to a police blood draw and investigation at the scene is because this occurred on private property. If this occurred on the street he would have been subject the the same standard YOU OR I would be subject to. My understanding is that his living in a private gated community has created a unique situation. Had this incident occurred outside the gated community this would have been investigated at the time.
loki 07:47 AM 11-30-2009
the flordia highway patrol now wants his medical records to see if a crime was committed prior to the accident.
dogface_313 09:32 AM 11-30-2009
We can go back and forth about this forever. All I am saying is that as a private Citizen he has the right to not give the Police any information in this instance. The Police also need probable cause to do a FST, just as they need probable cause for the Warrant they are now trying to get. Them being frustrated that he won’t speak to them is not probable cause. The police said they did not have probable cause to test for alcohol.,233488.story
It happening on private property is irrelevant. It is possible to get a DUI while sleeping in your car in your own driveway which is certainly private property. There is probably a lot that we don’t know about this accident. What I am saying is that he is entitled to his privacy, just like I would want. Nobody was hurt, this had become far too big of an issue already.
Cigary 10:18 AM 11-30-2009
The real play by play is that Tiger hit a tree and then hit a fire hydrant but still managed to save par. Incredible!
replicant_argent 10:21 AM 11-30-2009
Remember folks, being an egomaniac, whether tactful, private, or in your definition of good taste, is not a crime either...:-)
His vague evasions and the 3 "appointments" canceled with the po-po makes me laugh, and are almost as amusing as putting this guy who hits a ball with a stick for a living (no matter how well) on a pedestal and worshiping at the Altar of Tiger.

Yeah, he plays a great game of golf, he is a generous man with his time and the millions he has earned because people are willing to worship his prowess by purchasing products related to him.
That being said? In his press release saying "I am human" is even funnier, because that means, to me, that he is under the impression that some think he is superhuman, or a God.
I thought this was hilarious,
"If she wanted to help Tiger out of the car – even though it wasn’t on fire and waiting for the paramedics is generally the best policy – she could’ve just opened the door and pulled him out. Pictures of the SUV show minimal damage past the grille, not surprising since an Escalade is a massive vehicle. It’s highly unlikely the doors were wedged shut.

If the door was simply locked, she could’ve gone and gotten a spare set of keys and opened it. She could’ve done a million things.

What she claimed to police she did was go get a golf club and smash in both back windows of the SUV so she could, apparently, drag her unconscious 190-pound husband over a row of seats, shards of glass and out a window – a task best suited for a World’s Strongest Man competition. Even so, why the need to break windows on both sides?"
(shamelessly stolen from a yahoo-sports"writer")
She had time to grab a golf club, but not a key?
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