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General Discussion>Windows 7 anyone?
Genetic Defect 11:29 AM 01-19-2009
so many fanboys in here:-)
King James 11:31 AM 01-19-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
so many fanboys in here:-)
I know right.... damn Windows fanboys :-)
Genetic Defect 11:44 AM 01-19-2009
Originally Posted by King James:
I know right.... damn Windows fanboys :-)
blaw blaw blaw :-)
Sr Mike 11:45 AM 01-19-2009
Remember Windows ME? It is like Vista, too many problems on a new system, hopefully 7 will be a worthwhile operating system.
Kreth 11:49 AM 01-19-2009
Vista was like the iPhone, too much emphasis on eye candy and not enough on functionality...
tchariya 01:28 PM 01-19-2009
Originally Posted by Kreth:
Vista was like the iPhone, too much emphasis on eye candy and not enough on functionality...
Unfortunately 7 is eye candy also...transitions are actually clean and not awkward.

The 7 gui is very frankensteined and not original. Applets from Vista stolen from unix desktop/Mac OS X. The Taskbar/Quick Launch is now combined to add a bit more than the Taskbar OSX had provided.

The Alt-Tab feel/functionality is almost a duplicate of the OS X multi-app selector.

Boot-up is quick, task switching is quick, transitions are more refined/cleaner.

I only use Windows because I have to. Ask any IT department trying to run a business with all their mainstream business apps, no IT department will spend the extra $$ and hours and man power to support non-Windows in the desktop/laptop arena.

Hey..most of the time, I'm ssh'd or VNC'd into a unix box doing most of my work. Not being able to get support for a virtual unix instance on my desktop sucks, so I do what I can to not rock the boat in the IT world.
Kreth 02:47 PM 01-19-2009
Originally Posted by tchariya:
The 7 gui is very frankensteined and not original. Applets from Vista stolen from unix desktop/Mac OS X.
And MacOS was stolen from Xerox... :-)
tchariya 02:57 PM 01-19-2009
Originally Posted by Kreth:
And MacOS was stolen from Xerox... :-)
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery!
bigloo 03:35 PM 01-19-2009
I use and hate vista (been a user since the 1st week of its release), it trully is a turd. What kills me is how often it decides to freeze, it can take 5 minutes to unfreeze itself... worst part, vista does not seem to be fully compatable with the new office which kills me, how could that happen! MS almost owes everyone stupid enough to have bought vista (me included) a free windows 7... I will switch to being a late adopter this time round and let other people do the beta testing (known at MS as final release).
tchariya 05:42 PM 01-19-2009
let me just add some more 'improvements' I have noticed in this Beta version.

Going from active to sleep or active to hibernate and back is tons faster.
That might be attributed to not having much installed.

I just found it alarming that I don't have to wait for much of a countdown to hibernate or restore.
tchariya 05:55 PM 01-19-2009
Well finally a big ding for W7.

I know it is beta but still, you figure from XP to W7, you would get an improvement on battery life.

But on XP, I was getting over 3 hours on my extended battery of my Lenovo T61. With W7 the the system reads only 2:10h of battery life.

What a let down. Battery consumption is not suppose to get worse!
Rabidsquirrel 06:36 PM 01-19-2009
XP will always be my go-to Windows OS.

I've been living in the Linux world for two years now, and love it.
Smokin Gator 06:57 PM 01-19-2009
I am just glad I have been a Mac user since 1989 when I bought my first Mac Plus. I have had to use Windows based machines at work at points, but I love my Macs. At work now I use a Mac and have to hide it on the "guest" side of the network. It beats being frustrated all of the time!!!
bvilchez 12:06 PM 01-21-2009
Originally Posted by tchariya:
purdy picture!

What add-on did you use to put your links on the left? That looks pretty cool.
piperman 12:30 PM 01-21-2009
Instead of creating a new OS maybe they ought to perfect at least one of there OSs.....:-) Winblows :-)
tchariya 02:04 PM 01-21-2009
Originally Posted by bvilchez:
What add-on did you use to put your links on the left? That looks pretty cool.
If you are talking about Firefox add-on, the ones I always use are as follows:

Tree Stlye Tab (puts tab where you want)
Download StatusBar
Stock Ticker
Tab Mix Plus
Rabidsquirrel 04:15 PM 01-21-2009
Originally Posted by bvilchez:
What add-on did you use to put your links on the left? That looks pretty cool.
View > Sidebar > Bookmarks
bvilchez 12:54 AM 01-22-2009
Thanks Rabidsquirrel and tchariya. I'm new again to FF and I'm loving it this time around.

Heard a few good things about 7 on Mac. My brother has it running and he swears by the beta version of it on his MBP but not too fond of it on PC.
Chris. 08:19 PM 08-18-2009
How does the current version hold up? I've been thinking about upgrading from Vista for the reduced price they are offering.
WildBlueSooner 08:27 PM 08-18-2009
I have heard good things...thank goodness! I am curious to see how people are gonna like it.
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