Lockspur 08:52 PM 03-17-2014
Originally Posted by Ogre:
The best part of all of this. A NEW ADDRESS, ONE YOU BIOTCHES DONT HAVE!!!!
"He don't know us vewy well...DO he?"
Congrats, Larry. Your liquidy lungs will heal in time. The relief of the house is a step in the right direction.
Originally Posted by Lockspur:
"He don't know us vewy well...DO he?":-)
I know you girls all to well. I will just savor the short time I will have with my mailbox. Thats before someone here destroys it.

smokin5 09:08 PM 03-17-2014
Glad to hear the good news.
Now go & enjoy the micro-short time you'll have
before the house-warming bombs blow it all up.
CigarNut 09:35 PM 03-17-2014
Congratulations, Larry!
BTW, "they" can probably get your new address from MLS, so be careful
Originally Posted by CigarNut:
Congratulations, Larry!
BTW, "they" can probably get your new address from MLS, so be careful :-)
HEY HEY HEY, lets not give them anymore help.

DPD6030 02:12 AM 03-18-2014
Congrats Larry. I was going to say, "Have that SmokinGator help ya move since you'll be neighbors. Better yet, have Jonny T help you move. I bet he can fit all your things in his 747.
congrats!!!! looks like you could fit a couple of small par 3's in that yard!
longknocker 03:42 AM 03-18-2014
Originally Posted by Ogre:
I know you girls all to well. I will just savor the short time I will have with my mailbox. Thats before someone here destroys it.
New House & Move Group Bomb?
Congrats, Larry & Leigh & Hurry Up & Get Well, Will You, Big Guy?
massphatness 04:10 AM 03-18-2014
Great news, Larry! Best of luck to you & Leigh
maninblack 05:26 AM 03-18-2014
Congrats brother! But we can get an address. Don't make it harder on yourself.
kelmac07 05:41 AM 03-18-2014
Congrats brother!! Now then...when's the housewarming herf??
dijit 05:48 AM 03-18-2014
Ya know I think we could get a couple hundred tents and motor homes in the yard for the house warming and then we can spare his mailbox from the epic bombings he deserves. Glad to hear the good news for you sir.
Heavy_d 05:55 AM 03-18-2014
Congrats on the new house! Hope you feel better soon from the pneumonia.
mikesr1963 06:01 AM 03-18-2014

:-) Call a professional moving company and let them pack and move it. I've used them before and it's awesome.
irratebass 07:09 AM 03-18-2014
Awesome Larry!!! Congrats on the new house, and I agree with Dijit that yard will accommodate us nicely.
Steve 08:52 AM 03-18-2014
Originally Posted by Ogre:
The best part of all of this. A NEW ADDRESS, ONE YOU BIOTCHES DONT HAVE!!!!
Sounds like a challenge...
Congrats though, and enjoy your anonymity while it lasts!
hotreds 08:59 AM 03-18-2014
Originally Posted by Ogre:
The best part of all of this. A NEW ADDRESS, ONE YOU BIOTCHES DONT HAVE!!!!
Boy, THAT IS asking for trouble!

jsnake 09:58 AM 03-18-2014
Congrats! Hope you recover quickly.
Originally Posted by Ogre:
The best part of all of this. A NEW ADDRESS, ONE YOU BIOTCHES DONT HAVE!!!!
Or maybe someone looked through the Ocala MLS and found it.
Congrats, is it like in Anthony or Sparr?