After a few months of "HELL", Leigh and I finally got some good news. We put a bid on a house just outside Ocala, FL and the bid was accepted today. Now I have to figure out how to pack a house while in recovery from Pneumonia

WildBlueSooner 06:33 PM 03-17-2014
Congrats on the house and bummer on the Pneumonia, hopefully you recover swiftly so you can enjoy your new home!
Congrats Larry! How far is Ocala from Winter Haven? Staying at the same job?
Blueface 06:53 PM 03-17-2014
AdamJoshua 07:11 PM 03-17-2014
Congrats! Hmm that's a lot of herfin' room i see there
SvilleKid 07:21 PM 03-17-2014
Great news, Larry!! Congrats to you guys. Just don't overdo it. It may be well worth the money to pay someone to do it for you.
Coach Deg 07:25 PM 03-17-2014
Congrats to you and Leigh!!!!
icehog3 07:25 PM 03-17-2014
Congrats to you and Leigh, Larry! Awesome!
equetefue 07:26 PM 03-17-2014
Woot woot. Congrats on getting a new meeting place.
big_jaygee 07:29 PM 03-17-2014
BloodSpite 07:37 PM 03-17-2014
hotreds 07:52 PM 03-17-2014
Bravo and may you enjoy a long and happy and prosperous sojourn therein!
Pinoyman 07:57 PM 03-17-2014
Congrats on the new house! Nice yard Bro.
Originally Posted by Remo:
Congrats Larry! How far is Ocala from Winter Haven? Staying at the same job?
Mike, dont be jealous but I retired from the FD, 24 years was enough. When we relocate I will get another job and start another retirement.
I will be living about 20 south of Brent.
EricF 08:09 PM 03-17-2014
Originally Posted by Ogre:
I will be living about 20 south of Brent.
20 feet?

Originally Posted by EricF:
20 feet?
sorry, 20 Minutes.
The best part of all of this. A NEW ADDRESS, ONE YOU BIOTCHES DONT HAVE!!!!


Dave128 08:33 PM 03-17-2014
Congratulations to both you and Leigh, Larry!
EricF 08:35 PM 03-17-2014
Originally Posted by Ogre:
The best part of all of this. A NEW ADDRESS, ONE YOU BIOTCHES DONT HAVE!!!!
For now........
