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General Discussion>MCL Tear
MrClean 02:29 AM 02-15-2012
Hope you heal up quick Garry. Sounds like a good time to enjoy some sticks!
Blak Smyth 05:54 AM 02-15-2012
That sucks Garry, at least you don't need surgery. Enjoy many smokes during your downtime.
Taki 06:53 AM 02-15-2012
Sorry to hear brother...get better soon :-)
CigarSquid 08:06 AM 02-15-2012
Feeling better today. For sure not as sore as yesterday.
mase 08:48 PM 02-15-2012
Hope you feel better, Garry.
CigarSquid 08:49 PM 02-15-2012
Not to bad for a whole days worth of work. Feeling good. Going to finish eating and grab a smoke... RELAX!
Angry_Pirate 08:50 PM 02-15-2012
Get better brother!!
CigarSquid 08:51 PM 02-15-2012
Thanks.. Same to you
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