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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>My 1st "devil site" win!
MrClean 01:37 PM 09-24-2011
Dang it! If you all would just stop posting, I could stop with my 'I need' list!

Nice grab!
Posted via Mobile Device
lyle23 04:51 PM 09-24-2011
Nice win! I need one myself, soo I can stop going everywhere with my sticks in a ziploc bag. Although maybe I could put some stickers on it, that way it will be a cool looking ziploc bag!
maninblack 05:33 PM 09-24-2011
I keep talking myself out of buying one because I never herf with anyone. Maybe if I ever make it Epic or Shack, then I'll buy one.
falconman515 03:43 PM 09-26-2011
Just got my first 5 counts about a month ago from CBID!

And I seem to know have an order showing up every friggin Friday!

I need to start smoking more to keep up with this Devil of a site.
Crownedone 11:31 AM 09-29-2011
Nice....remember the cigar motto "no cigar storage unit is ever big enough" so start making plans...enjoy!
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