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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>My 1st "devil site" win!
irratebass 04:09 PM 09-23-2011
I went to my 1st herf on Labor day with my humidor in tow because I didn't have a herfador or traveldor or whatever you call it, and I was admiring everyone else's, so I bit the bullet and bid on a 15 count one and won :-) now I am ready to go to another herf like a real dude.

IBQTEE1 04:13 PM 09-23-2011
I keep upgrading mine. Enjoy brother.
Ogre 04:18 PM 09-23-2011
Congrats brother, that's how it all starts. Now your in trouble!!!!
N2 GOLD 04:30 PM 09-23-2011
Originally Posted by Ogre:
Congrats brother, that's how it all starts. Now your in trouble!!!!
Agree, enjoy the ride... :-)
688sonarmen 04:38 PM 09-23-2011
Nice bro, that otterbox is quality:-)
mkarnold1 04:40 PM 09-23-2011
That's a sweet box, I got one too. You will soon find you can fit more than 15 in there without the foam...
Mattso3000 04:41 PM 09-23-2011
Originally Posted by mkarnold1:
That's a sweet box, I got one too. You will soon find you can fit more than 15 in there without the foam...
I still have that foam if you want it...

Nice pick-up Mickey! Loved this box before I bombed it away.
WittyUserName 04:42 PM 09-23-2011
Nice grab bro. I started with a 5 count herfador, then another 5 count and not I have a 15 count and I need a bigger one.
Ogre 04:47 PM 09-23-2011
Originally Posted by WittyUserName:
Nice grab bro. I started with a 5 count herfador, then another 5 count and not I have a 15 count and I need a bigger one.
I have the 2, 15 and 40 counts. Always need more!!!!
mkarnold1 05:24 PM 09-23-2011
Originally Posted by Mattso3000:
I still have that foam if you want it...

Nice pick-up Mickey! Loved this box before I bombed it away.
Thanks bro, but I won't be needing the foam unless I smoke more than I get. And it doesn't look like that's going to happen with a bomb from both you and Eric coming my way soon...
Newbie_nick 06:04 PM 09-23-2011
...and so the addiction begins! lol...

Congrats, brother!
MurphysLaw 06:06 PM 09-23-2011
Nice pickup, now you just need to make a post that you need some stickers to snazz it up a bit :-)
Angry_Pirate 06:56 PM 09-23-2011
EricF 06:59 PM 09-23-2011
Congrats Mick!!! Enjoy your slide dwn the slope!!! :-)
Drez 07:01 PM 09-23-2011
nice grab
irratebass 10:46 PM 09-23-2011
Originally Posted by MurphysLaw:
Nice pickup, now you just need to make a post that you need some stickers to snazz it up a bit :-)
Funny u should say that Brian, I gave my last sticker away in a bomb today. Without "fishing" could u or anyone hook me up with some more CA stickers or any other stickers?
TBone 10:50 PM 09-23-2011
Now you know how steep the slope is
CigarSquid 11:07 PM 09-23-2011
Congrats.. I had my first win a few months ago.. and it seems like sticks keep coming every week or so..

I hit the slope for now!!! FUUUNNN
Remo 12:05 AM 09-24-2011
Nice grab Mickey...angry fish bastage :-)
gbum 12:21 AM 09-24-2011
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