Originally Posted by wayner123:
Do yours have cello?
Originally Posted by bonggoy:
I think DPG blue came much a little bit later than 05.
This was actually a dusty find last year it was at the bottom of a stack of boxes behind another stack more or less forgotten. Only half of it left now. It had a cedar divider between the two layers but I can't seem to find it.
I've been snapping up aged boxes as of late. With in the past few months I've got the 8 & 11s I mentioned before and two boxes of 601 Black Rabitos, all three from late '07. Yesterday I picked up a box of Tat Unicos from mid '08. The few years knocks the spice off and lets the rich flavors of the unicos shine. The blacks have settled in a bit but haven't mellowed all that much, thankfully.
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Had a black Perla from '08. Still has some of the spice and kick, but all the flavors are smoother and more mellow. Not as sharp as they were. But, this is not a bad thing - in fact, I ilke them much better.