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All Cigar Discussion>Oh, Canada- STICKER SHOCK!
mithrilG60 04:37 PM 10-04-2010
Originally Posted by Chingas:
Maybe us Americans should be bombing out Canadian brothers...

You can always order out of country correct? goes international and acme sites that remain unmentioned ship worldwide. So you should be able to get all te same smokes at the same prices we pay.

Only difference would be the local, correct?

Ordering tobacco from foreign vendors is hit or miss, customs takes a very dim view of it and the financial penalties imposed if your package is intercepted end up making the contents far more expensive than it would have been to just head down to your B&M and buy the sticks locally. There are some US based vendors that "play nicely" with the custom declaration forms, but none of the Cuban sources will anymore so they're basically useless to Canadian's.

BTW, the tales of $75 Esplendidos and $50 Monte #2's are either a bit tall or just a bad B&M that was trying to scalp American visitors. Those sticks are $37 - $40 and $30 range respectively in my local B&M. Still not cheap but certainly not what that B&M in Windsor apparently wanted for them.

Originally Posted by Chingas:
Holy Sh1t! And they are still in business? That seems like an easy boycott to me. I can't see anyone ever paying those prices if they can just order it in the ma for a third of the price.
See above, Canada Customs makes mail order a risky business.... as a customer it's hard to win at the boycott game when boycotting = smoke nothing at all.
Goldie 04:41 PM 10-04-2010
Well I think that if they order from one of the unnamed sites, and their package gets pulled at customs, they pay taxes on their goods. So I guess if that is the case it sounds like a risk that could pay off or get you hit with some nasty taxes you REALLY don't want to pay.
GWN 06:37 PM 10-04-2010
Originally Posted by Goldie:
Well I think that if they order from one of the unnamed sites, and their package gets pulled at customs, they pay taxes on their goods. So I guess if that is the case it sounds like a risk that could pay off or get you hit with some nasty taxes you REALLY don't want to pay.
In many cases taxes and other fees levied by Customs are 300 per cent MSRP.

The ridiculous thing about hiding the smokes to protect kids is that many kids buy "contraband" cigarettes manufactured at Indian reserves for a fraction of the cost of legit ones:

And like Darryl said, as much as I'd like to support local B$Ms, I just can't afford the taxes that come with doing so.
DMK 07:21 PM 10-04-2010
That is why I'm actively trade interested, and I mule back from the ISOM when ever friends or family travel there.
Maple syrup for cigars anyone?...:-)
nick2021 02:37 AM 10-05-2010
Originally Posted by 357:
The display law is reducilous. They can't even have cigarette packs visible at gas stations & such. There are plastic flaps covering the cartons they sell out of.

The first time I noticed it I asked and the clerk said "They call it going dark." I responded "Where I'm from they call it going commie". He didn't laugh. I thought it was funny.

Edited to mention all cigar displays and signs referring to tobacco sales are not allowed to be displayed outside the store unless somehow grandfathered in such as cigar or tobacco being part of the name of the business.
Wow, that does's amazing how different laws are created/implemented in different countries...definitely feel for'ya!
Chingas 05:47 AM 10-05-2010
Damn Geoff. Thanks for clearing that up. In short. That sucks.
dvickery 08:56 AM 10-05-2010
Originally Posted by Doctorossi:
:-) to all my Canadian brothers and sisters. I don't envy your sad situation.
i go to havana to buy my smokes...pretty decent prices there.

derrek :-)
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