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All Cigar Discussion>Stunned by Generosity
BlackIrish 08:53 AM 12-07-2009
Originally Posted by Subvet642:
Cigar City, Bridge St., Weymouth, just over the Fore River Bridge from Quincy, on the right. Just follow Washington St. from Quincy Center to the bridge. Washington St. becomes Bridge St. on the other side in Weymouth.
I thought it might be - I know exactly where it is. I'll have to pop in there the next time I'm on that side of the world.
Subvet642 11:00 AM 12-07-2009
Originally Posted by BlackIrish:
I thought it might be - I know exactly where it is. I'll have to pop in there the next time I'm on that side of the world.
Absolutely! He's a funny basta'd, you'll like him. He doesn't have a huge selection, but I can always find something I like. He does have La Gloria (NC), but he won't carry anything you can get in a packie, though.
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