They may be a perfectly respectable vendor and I support your decision not to name names but, advertising that you have something in stock when you don't is just bad business. If it was an honest inventory mistake, just admit to it and move on. Being shady or not forthcoming with info only makes the situation worse.
There is an argument to be made for naming names however. A few months ago a certain (former) member of this board was d*cking people around on trades. He got away with it for a while too because none of us wanted to call him out in front of everybody.
I say keep it out of the papers unless you think they're doing this to all their customers.
MajorCaptSilly 07:38 PM 09-18-2009
Originally Posted by captain53:
PM the member give him the opportunity to correct everything and if that fails let it all fall out. If he corrects it let the masses know he did so and The End.:-)
Fantastic idea and done! Thanks for the advice.
kaisersozei 09:56 PM 09-18-2009
If you're still unable to get these in a bit, Scott, let me know and I can hook you up. They're everywhere around these parts...
Genetic Defect 10:40 PM 09-18-2009
BlackDog 11:17 PM 09-18-2009
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
One of our members works there. I'm quite torn.
That makes the situation much more difficult. I understand your concern.
chippewastud79 12:13 AM 09-19-2009
MajorCaptSilly 09:54 AM 09-19-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
pm inbound
Who'd you PM? Cigar Pope?
MedicCook 09:58 AM 09-19-2009
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
Who'd you PM? Cigar Pope?
He never actually said he pm'd you.
Genetic Defect 12:16 PM 09-19-2009
MajorCaptSilly 12:17 PM 09-19-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
Pm is stuck in customs
I was really counting on that PM for prom.
Genetic Defect 12:19 PM 09-19-2009
Some agent is probably going to take my pm home and enjoy it
Brooks W 12:23 PM 09-19-2009
I have that happen ALL the time, where a vendor says they have something in stock, lets you order it, lets you pay for it, charges your card, then tells you it is "Backordered" and could take like 3 weeks...
As far as I am concerned, it is dishonest to accept money without having the items in stock (what happens if they never come?), and I refuse to use vendors who use this practice (after I find out, of course)...
There are PLENTY of great places to buy cigars...
Starscream 04:23 PM 09-19-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
pms inbound
What Perry really meant.

That sucks, Scott. I remember you making the post almost two weeks ago stating that you just made this purchase. It sucks even worse when it's a purchase that you get really excited over.
Texan in Mexico 08:10 PM 09-19-2009
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
I was really counting on that PM for prom.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I havent laughed that hard for a while, thanks Scott.
All I can say is what the Great Gildersleeve would have said in this case, the great man would have said Zeek!
Sr Mike 09:26 PM 09-19-2009
respectable vendor would have called you to let you know they were back ordered before charging your card.
leafandale 09:42 PM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by Sr Mike:
A respectable vendor would have called you to let you know they were back ordered before charging your card.
Sometimes online inventory and REAL inventory numbers get out of line and things get ordered that we don't have at that time. That person always get's an email or phone call to let them know the status and I allow that person the choice to keep their order in place or cancel. I never charge anyones card until the box is ready to be sealed and postage affixed.
MajorCaptSilly 10:01 PM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by leafandale:
Sometimes online inventory and REAL inventory numbers get out of line and things get ordered that we don't have at that time. That person always get's an email or phone call to let them know the status and I allow that person the choice to keep their order in place or cancel. I never charge anyones card until the box is ready to be sealed and postage affixed.
I'll keep you in mind for my next order!
kelmac07 10:17 PM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by leafandale:
Sometimes online inventory and REAL inventory numbers get out of line and things get ordered that we don't have at that time. That person always get's an email or phone call to let them know the status and I allow that person the choice to keep their order in place or cancel. I never charge anyones card until the box is ready to be sealed and postage affixed.
:-) :-)
Brooks W 10:31 PM 09-20-2009
Chris. 10:44 PM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by leafandale:
Sometimes online inventory and REAL inventory numbers get out of line and things get ordered that we don't have at that time. That person always get's an email or phone call to let them know the status and I allow that person the choice to keep their order in place or cancel. I never charge anyones card until the box is ready to be sealed and postage affixed.
And that's how it should be. It's understood that there is a delay in inventory updates on websites. That doesn't give any site the right to take someones money for an item they aren't prepared to ship out immediately. I say, call the place out so we may all be warned of their shady practices and lax customer service..