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Entertainment>It was a dark and stormy night CA Short Story
SeanGAR 07:43 AM 04-04-2009

Legend spied my cigar and came over to take a look.

Hmmm .. he scratched his head ... 'that come from the internet?'

Just then my friend came back from his bathroom break. Anon-Y-Mouse was the only one to recognize him and started squeaking "Rushbo, Rushbo, come over here and sign my tail".

Legend repeated his questions ... "that from the internet? that from the internet? that from the internet? that from the internet?"

Rushbo looked over ..."no son, Fidel and I are close personal friends .. he gave me that cigar last month. We usually play racquetball a few times a year".

Legend looked over aghast .... "you're friends with Castro? How dare you .. he's a commie pinko.

Why ... I'm going to ..."
icehog3 07:58 AM 04-04-2009
....Why ... I'm going to ...Im going to wash that man right outta my hair, and send him on his way...."

That is when Bruce appeared with Liza Minelli on his arm, and proceeded to....
markem 08:46 AM 04-04-2009
... sing show tunes. Frickin show tunes. As if my headache wasn't bad enough as it was.

But I have a secret cure for headaches. You see, all you do is ...
icehog3 11:12 AM 04-04-2009
Originally Posted by vstrommark:
... sing show tunes. Frickin show tunes. As if my headache wasn't bad enough as it was.

But I have a secret cure for headaches. You see, all you do is ...
....go over to Bigwaved Dave's house and....
Whipper Snapper 11:16 AM 04-04-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
....go over to Bigwaved Dave's house and....

(sorry, the gts kicked in... all those involuntary movements are tough to control when typing)...
The Professor 11:17 AM 04-04-2009
...with one hand because the other hand is busy...
icehog3 11:30 AM 04-04-2009
Originally Posted by The Professor:
...with one hand because the other hand is busy...
....grab Dave with the hand that isn't choking Technorobo and....
markem 11:51 AM 04-04-2009
tell him to take a load off. Little did I know that Dave was in a literal mood. In fact, he ...
SeanGAR 01:41 PM 04-04-2009
Originally Posted by vstrommark:
tell him to take a load off. Little did I know that Dave was in a literal mood. In fact, he ...
took a load off Fannie, as she was delivering the food order, and particularly deftly placed the plate of steaming hot star meat onto the placemat in front of Rushbo.

Rushbo was the first to dig in, using his fork to pull out a fine example of the star meat.

Anon-Y-Mouse reacted in horror, his little nose twitching as he sniffed like a hooker in the bathroom at a Grateful dead concert, "my GOD, you FIEND, thats my Cousin CLEM" he yelled.

Technorobo twitched, blurting out "aplatz hauyt tewe?".

Just as Rushbo was about to speak, a UFO landed in the parking lot outside. Two small green aliens entered the restaurant as everyone stood in shock. The one on the right raised its right hand, pointing directly at Anon-Y-Mouse and said .....
markem 01:46 PM 04-04-2009
"How do you do, my name is Sue!"

It turned out that they were a Johnny Cash cover band.

But enough of that. Just at that moment, the side door opened and who would walk in but ...
SeanGAR 01:54 PM 04-04-2009
Originally Posted by vstrommark:
"How do you do, my name is Sue!"

It turned out that they were a Johnny Cash cover band.

But enough of that. Just at that moment, the side door opened and who would walk in but ...
Fidel Castro himself, supported on one side by ...
Whipper Snapper 02:00 PM 04-04-2009
Originally Posted by SeanGAR:
Fidel Castro himself, supported on one side by ...
The Dark Lord. It turns out he was trying to get ahold of a particular habano that was exclusively released to Fidel Castro alone. The two aliens were not amused and proceeded to attack anon-y-mouse exclaiming "You tried attacking our leader, you know, the Howie Mandell look alike and we simply cannot allow such hostility"...

Amidst all of the confusion a loud "SILENCE!!" poured out of the mouth of...
SeanGAR 02:02 PM 04-04-2009
Originally Posted by Tecnorobo:
The Dark Lord. It turns out he was trying to get ahold of a particular habano that was exclusively released to Fidel Castro alone. The two aliens were not amused and proceeded to attack anon-y-mouse exclaiming "You tried attacking our leader, you know, the Howie Mandell look alike and we simply cannot allow such hostility"...

Amidst all of the confusion a loud "SILENCE!!" poured out of the mouth of...
Legend ..... he looked squarely at Castro and asked him .... "are internet Habanos the same as B&M habanos?". Castro looked back and laughed .... and said ...
markem 02:05 PM 04-04-2009
Yo no hablo Inglés, que cerdo!

Which Legend translated as, "Whatever Legend says is true."

Suddenly, Dave had had enough and decided to head for a country-western bar down the street named ...
Whipper Snapper 02:22 PM 04-04-2009
Sesame. Little did Dave know that Three aliens (one of them resembling Howie Mandell), anon-y-mouse, Legend, Fidel Castro, The Dark Lord, Tecnorobo, Seangar, Rushbo, and a host of others were following him. Before Dave realized what was taking place behind him, a giant yellow bird that oddly resembled "Big Bird" stopped him and said...
SeanGAR 03:51 PM 04-04-2009
Originally Posted by Tecnorobo:
Sesame. Little did Dave know that Three aliens (one of them resembling Howie Mandell), anon-y-mouse, Legend, Fidel Castro, The Dark Lord, Tecnorobo, Seangar, Rushbo, and a host of others were following him. Before Dave realized what was taking place behind him, a giant yellow bird that oddly resembled "Big Bird" stopped him and said...
Hey .. aren't you Rick Nielsen?

Before anybody could move, Klugs ripped a guitar out of a nearby roadie's hands and started singing ....

"Mother told me, yes, she told me I'd meet birds like you"

Rushbo interrupted, in his most sarcastic voice "Uh .... didn't Robin Zaaaaander sing that paaaaart?"

To which Klugsie/Nielson said "you mean MY FAVORITE LEAD SINGER IN THE WHOLE WORLD?"

As the bird was readying a response, the doors to the Sesame opened up and there stood Angelina Jolie and Jessica Alba. Alba, in a sultry voice, asked Klugs:

"Damn it, Dave ... why must you keeping me waiting?"

Dave blushed ... and said ...
The Professor 04:01 PM 04-04-2009
"0100100100100000011011000110111101110110011001010 01000000111100101101111011101010010000001001010011 00101011100110111001101101001011000110110000100100 0000100000101101100011000100110000100101110"

Turns out that Dave/Ricky is actually a robot and was responding in the only language he knew when his circuits were overloaded.

All of a sudden, there was a massive FLASH and in an instant...
icehog3 04:09 PM 04-04-2009
Originally Posted by The Professor:

All of a sudden, there was a massive FLASH and in an instant...
...Elvis Presley appeared from a colud of smoke and said "I like you, Klugs/Nielsen/Robot.....always have...always will!"

And with that, the CheapTrick Cyborg Klugsinator lifted his shirt, only to reveal....
markem 04:45 PM 04-04-2009
That zemekone was operating him like a puppet. Bwahahaha, I'm Dave's Mini Me, cried Gerry as he rush towards Jessica Alba only to run smack into Tom's ...
SeanGAR 05:51 PM 04-04-2009
gurhka immensissimo ... the longest cigar in the world at 2.1 meters.

As zemekone was falling, the dark lord swept over him and reached Jessica ..... "oooh", she cooed, "I've always wanted a man with a prosthesis".

Legend attempted to push the dark Lord aside "I have a prosthesis too .. but mine is from a B&M".

Unfortunately, he ignored the fact that the dark lord carries a light saber. The dark lord spun around, his cape waving like the fat pasty lady wearing an outfit three sizes too small on the front of a carnival cruise liner, as he fired his light saber and ....
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