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Entertainment>American Idol - New Judges
GTsetGO 10:23 AM 09-22-2010
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
Real men admit to their guilty pleasures. :-)

The wife and I watch together. Pretty sure I never would have done so without the "quality time" issue.

Now? Hey, I'm invested. :-)
i know this feeling whole heartedly. though my guilty pleasure isn't american idol any more. The wife and I watch gossip girl and greys anatomy together.
Blueface 10:47 AM 09-22-2010
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
I hope they go with any of my picks:

Carol Channing - She's not dead yet.
Clint Eastwood - He'd never say a word but give the "Outlaw Josey Wales" stare to every contestant until they cried.
James Ellroy - He doesn't watch TV, only listens to classical music, and is batsh!t crazy.
Gilbert Gottfried - A true judge of talent.
Gary Busey - Also batsh!t crazy.


Don't know which one of us more nuts.

Out of that list, would love to see Carol Channing (can't even imagine how she still breathes, let alone judge),
Gary Busey (how on Earth will he even know where he is standing, let alone judge),
Gilbert Gottfried (will be the only one of the three than can talk and will take less than a minute for someone in the audience to shoot him and shut him up).

BTW, only 12 more minutes.
The suspense is killing me.
SvilleKid 11:05 AM 09-22-2010
I refuse to care! I used to care, but I went on the "patch" and was able to break the habit three years ago! I've been reality-talent-show-free for the last three years, and it's a cleaner, carefree life! Having that monkey off my back has allowed me to once again walk upright. No more circles under my eyes, no more jitters, no more nightmares or sitting up in the bed in the middle of the night screaming Paula's name!

It takes tough love and sacrifice, but Dave and Carlos, in the end, it is worth it! If I can clean up my act and break the reality habit, you can do it, I have faith in you two! :-):-)
Blueface 11:06 AM 09-22-2010
Originally Posted by SvilleKid:
I refuse to care! I used to care, but I went on the "patch" and was able to break the habit three years ago! I've been reality-talent-show-free for the last three years, and it's a cleaner, carefree life! Having that monkey off my back has allowed me to once again walk upright. No more circles under my eyes, no more jitters, no more nightmares or sitting up in the bed in the middle of the night screaming Paula's name!

It takes tough love and sacrifice, but Dave and Carlos, in the end, it is worth it! If I can clean up my act and break the reality habit, you can do it, I have faith in you two! :-):-)

What, and then get less sex than I do now?
Blueface 11:07 AM 09-22-2010
First one:
Steven Tyler
Blueface 11:09 AM 09-22-2010
Second one:
J Blow, I mean J Lo.
Blueface 11:13 AM 09-22-2010
....and returning as third, Randy Jackson.

And there you have it folks.
I can now call my wife and give her the news.:-)
SvilleKid 11:18 AM 09-22-2010
Originally Posted by Blueface:

What, and then get less sex than I do now?
Crap, there goes the keyboard. Gotta find some towels to wipe the Pepsi off my screen!
HK3- 11:32 AM 09-22-2010
Originally Posted by Blueface:
Second one:
J Blow, I mean J Lo.
:-) Show me that donkey butt and them big ol legs.....
Blueface 11:42 AM 09-22-2010
Originally Posted by HK3-:
:-) Show me that donkey butt and them big ol legs.....
You asked.:-)

HK3- 01:12 PM 09-22-2010
Originally Posted by Blueface:
You asked.:-)

just the thought of... :-)
kaisersozei 10:57 AM 02-04-2011
Had to resurrect this thread:

Like many of you, my wife makes me sit in the room with her while she watches AI. That's usually my time to browse CI :-) but last night I got to see Steven Tyler emerge from his limo smoking a cigar. Made Lisa pause, rewind and zoom in to see what it was--it was a quick shot, but the cigar was dark and the band was colorful, maybe Opus like. Not sure.

He remarked "Oh, I bet you can't show that on television--let's do it again!" And he gets back in the limo, shuts the door to reshoot--and emerges again puffing away. "You didn't think I was going to stop, did you?!" :-)
Kreth 11:06 AM 02-04-2011
Not a fan, so I loved the quote from $#!+ My Dad Says (or however they spell it):
"What happened to Paula Abdul? She looks terrible!"
"Dad, that's Steven Tyler."

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