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All Cigar Discussion>A little suction for a couple giants that do it ri
G G 10:35 AM 01-11-2009
I won a bid at C-bid last Wednesday and received them on Saturday. Pretty fast shipping.
Don Fernando 10:38 AM 01-11-2009
Originally Posted by Jason:
They bring international offerings to US citizens. Once again all you foreigners have your perspective ass backwards!

:-) :-)
No Jason, once again the American arrogance resulted in a name that makes no sence.
nozero 11:06 AM 01-11-2009
I have experienced problems with both Famous and CI, but they both resolved them to my satisfaction.

I can't say the same for Thompson.
Rabidsquirrel 11:29 AM 01-11-2009
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
the American arrogance
Americans don't exactly have a monopoly on arrogance... You'll find people just as arrogant in every country.

The above quote is ignorant, and is almost a stereotype.
nozero 12:04 PM 01-11-2009
Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel:
Americans don't exactly have a monopoly on arrogance... You'll find people just as arrogant in every country.

The above quote is ignorant, and is almost a stereotype.
With all due respect to all parties concerned, IMO this was provoked by the prior reference to "all you foreigners" by Jason, which is equally stereotypical, though the post contained smileys which often imply intent to apply humor. IMO, most generalizations are incorrect and unfair whether they are intended or thought to be humorous or not.

shilala 12:15 PM 01-11-2009
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
No Jason, once again the American arrogance resulted in a name that makes no sence.
It may not make any sense, but we don't care cause we have the bomb. :-)
At least we're not FRENCH!!! :-)
G G 12:18 PM 01-11-2009
Originally Posted by shilala:
It may not make any sense, but we don't care cause we have the bomb. :-)
At least we're not FRENCH!!! :-)
Nice use of smilies Scott.:-)
Rabidsquirrel 01:14 PM 01-11-2009
Originally Posted by nozero:
With all due respect to all parties concerned, IMO this was provoked by the prior reference to "all you foreigners" by Jason, which is equally stereotypical, though the post contained smileys which often imply intent to apply humor. IMO, most generalizations are incorrect and unfair whether they are intended or thought to be humorous or not.

True. Intent is hard to get 'through' on the internet. I just figured DF would have used some sort of smilies in his post. It's just a sore subject with me.
Don Fernando 01:21 PM 01-11-2009
loosen up a little :-)
Rabidsquirrel 01:32 PM 01-11-2009
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
loosen up a little :-)
I'll admit it, I took it completely the wrong way. :-)eepish:
Don Fernando 01:37 PM 01-11-2009
don't worry, I should have added a smiley. Although part of my remark has a serious underline, but that wasn't what I was venting about here.
LkyLindy 10:00 PM 01-11-2009
Ditto -well said
Maybe thats why they're so successful
BC-Axeman 10:49 PM 01-11-2009
I have yet to order from CI bot I have been a Famous customer for 15 years or so. There are some cigars (NCs) that both don't carry, so I shop around a bit more.
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