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General Discussion>A day of celebration, over a year in the making...
Don Fernando 09:08 AM 12-30-2008
Congrats Jordan.
SilverFox 09:52 AM 12-30-2008
Jordan is the little engine that could.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Me it was easier

I knew you could

Congrats my friend.
Mark C 09:58 AM 12-30-2008
Congrats! Engineering sure can be tough. VT had a rule that you had to pass every in-major course with at least a C grade. You were allowed one 'slip up', after that you had to repeat the course. I got a C- my soph year and was in constant fear for the remaining 4 semesters. Glad you pulled it out!
JE3146 09:11 PM 12-30-2008
Originally Posted by 68TriShield:
[I had an adviser constantly telling me to give up and telling me I wouldn't amount to anything in the engineering world.]

So much for positive re-enforcement eh Jordan.

I hope you visit said adviser after you get your degree :-)

What's worse was the severity of his comments lessened as my GPA increased.

It was incredibly stupid... and incredibly predictable. It was as if he was programmed to act that way.

When I graduate I doubt I'll visit him and rub it in his face, but I most certainly will write the university a kind letter outlining my career and his effect on it. [TINFOIL_HAT]Which based on the above, may not amount to anything if the powers at be, tell him to act that way. [/TINFOIL_HAT]
mikeandshellie2 12:00 AM 12-31-2008
WHOOOO HOOO Party time!!! Jordan congrats!!
Skywalker 12:22 AM 12-31-2008
Congrats Bud!!!:-)
acruce 12:28 AM 12-31-2008
That is aw some. I'm sure it felt great reading that letter. Good luck the rest if the way!!
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