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All Cigar Discussion>Last cigar is a fail
Sadden 11:52 PM 12-24-2012
Originally Posted by Bushman:
Well it just so happens that the very next day a new shipment arrived straight from the Dominican Republic. Don Lucas cigar factory!
My pops was there on vacation, toured the place and sent me two boxes.
I tried one so far. Not bad at all. Although there is no indicator on the box as to what it contains. It says Robusto Sampler. It obviously contains at least 4 different wrappers but that is all I can ascertain.
I've checked the website and the descriptions are pretty vague. Frankly I don't know what the heck I have.
I do like the Robusto size though. At least for the winter time in the garage or outside. Smokable without the fear of hypothermia. LOL
Ive had that happen before. It sucks because if you get something you like you cant get more!
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