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All Cigar Discussion>Last cigar is a fail
Bushman 06:34 PM 12-21-2012
I'm a newb here so I'll give you a little back story.
Smoked cigarettes for 20 years. Gave it up.
Went to visit bro down in FL. Took me to a cigar shop in the mall.
Walked into a giant humidor and was assaulted by the most wonderful smells.
Colorful bands adorned every wrapper. The selection was limitless.
I asked the moron behind the counter what he recommended.
"Your choice mon, I don't smoke 'em they stink".
Even I couldn't believe that a cigar shop would hire a chap like this.
Luckily my bro was there and he introduced me to my first ever cigar.
It was a Cohiba. I don't remember what kind or size or ring. Just the electric blue label staring at me as I lit it sitting on a lawn chair in his pool cabana.

I tried to inhale. Choked.

It wasn't too long and I figured it out. Rolling, tasting, licking my lips. Yeah sounds weird but you know.

I quit cigarettes soon after. Went awhile without smoking anything but I couldn't get the site of that humidor and that taste out of my head.

Hinted around to wife about a Fathers day sample in the newspaper adds.
She ordered it. I succumbed to a lifetime of cigar slavery.

So now you have the back story. Today I opened my bad ass Ghurka, travel humidor. A giant, hunters orange conglomerate of a trunk. Pulled back the egg waffle padding only to discover that this was it. My last cigar. Not ever, just the last one in my possesion. ( cigar was not Ghurka)

I cradled it gently in my hands and carried it to the garage. Outside the wind was howling around 40 mph and the snow was piling up against the garage door.
I clipped the end and rolled it between my lips. Immediatley I pulled back and spat upon the cold, concrete floor. WTF? I examined the end. The cap was tight but I could see a shimmering. I think it was glue. There was something on the end of that cigar that was very bitter. I kept cutting and cutting and finally had to pull the entire cap off. Convinced it was a bad cap, I set about lighting.
Great, no pull. I had seen adds for a cigar punch for cigars that wouldn't pull but had never experienced one. Now I had. I quickly went to my tool pouch, extracted a #16 sinker and pushed it down the center. Now I had just enough pull to get it lit.
You might ask why I would even waste my time?
Last cigar, Christmas break, fridge full of adult bevs.
Long story short it was bitter and really sucked ass.
I don't know why. It was from a 3 cigar assortment. 4 of one, 4 of another and 4 of this one. All the rest were quite good. This one.....not so.

So that my freinds is the story of my day. Any ideas as to why it was all gummy on the cap and bitter on the draw would be appreciated.

Your newb,
Remo 06:53 PM 12-21-2012
Maybe too much Pectin on the cap :-) sucks though! You could always send me your address though and maybe I could send you a draw tool :-)
Mattso3000 06:57 PM 12-21-2012
Yup. Handmade product, sometimes it just goes wrong. Sucks that it was on the last cigar.
icehog3 07:07 PM 12-21-2012
Originally Posted by Bushman:
My last cigar. Not ever, just the last one in my possesion. ( cigar was not Ghurka)
Well, at least it seemed to start off positively! :-) :-)

Better luck with the next one, Jeff.
DaBear 07:36 PM 12-21-2012
Originally Posted by Mattso3000:
Yup. Handmade product, sometimes it just goes wrong. Sucks that it was on the last cigar.

I just assume there's always a bad one(plugged, off flavors, etc) in a box and try not to write a smoke off based on the one and chalk it up to the individual cigar itself, not the blend/line.
iaMkcK 08:27 PM 12-21-2012
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Well, at least it seemed to start off positively! :-)
Oh you are evil :-)
Remo 08:58 PM 12-21-2012
Originally Posted by iaMkcK:
Oh you are A DOUCHEBAG!! :-)
Fixt :-)
TJarv 09:01 PM 12-21-2012
Originally Posted by Remo:
Maybe too much Pectin on the cap :-) sucks though! You could always send me your address though and maybe I could send you a draw tool :-)
Sound advice right here
icehog3 10:08 PM 12-21-2012
Originally Posted by Remo:
Fixt :-)
CigarSquid 10:32 PM 12-21-2012
Originally Posted by Remo:
Maybe too much Pectin on the cap :-) sucks though! You could always send me your address though and maybe I could send you a draw tool :-)
Originally Posted by TJarv:
Sound advice right here
Better hurry and Mike up on his offer.. Before he.. backs out.:-)
Remo 09:26 AM 12-22-2012
Originally Posted by garryyjr:
Better hurry and Mike up on his offer.. Before he.. backs out.:-)
Got the addy :-)
CigarSquid 09:51 AM 12-22-2012
Tredegar 11:03 AM 12-22-2012
He's not too far from Canada......
cmitch 10:16 PM 12-22-2012
Originally Posted by Remo:
Got the addy :-)
Might as well send him the newsletter, too!
CigarSquid 10:17 PM 12-22-2012
Originally Posted by cmitch:
Might as well send him the newsletter, too!
I'm sure Mike was on that already.. Knowing him.. Such a nice guy.:-)
cmitch 10:43 PM 12-22-2012
Originally Posted by garryyjr:
I'm sure Mike was on that already.. Knowing him.. Such a nice guy.:-)
He said he'd send him a draw tool. I'd probably slip up and send him a pencil.
Whipper Snapper 10:57 PM 12-22-2012
Originally Posted by cmitch:
He said he'd send him a draw tool. I'd probably slip up and send him a pencil.
Lead imparts a pleasant taste to cigars. At least that's what I heard.
edstoggie 11:17 PM 12-22-2012
Last Cigar!!! That sucks, I had that happen to me on my first 70ct humidor. Then I found Cigar Bid. I had to get a bigger 500ct humidor. Now I get down to 200ct and I begin to re stalk. Cigar Bid is great but watch out its addictive! Now, no more last cigar...awesome!
FreakShow 01:35 PM 12-23-2012
Originally Posted by edstoggie:
Last Cigar!!! That sucks, I had that happen to me on my first 70ct humidor. Then I found Cigar Bid. I had to get a bigger 500ct humidor. Now I get down to 200ct and I begin to re stalk. Cigar Bid is great but watch out its addictive! Now, no more last cigar...awesome!
+1 to CigarBid. I've found many good cigars for $1/each over there.
Bushman 10:48 AM 12-24-2012
Well it just so happens that the very next day a new shipment arrived straight from the Dominican Republic. Don Lucas cigar factory!
My pops was there on vacation, toured the place and sent me two boxes.
I tried one so far. Not bad at all. Although there is no indicator on the box as to what it contains. It says Robusto Sampler. It obviously contains at least 4 different wrappers but that is all I can ascertain.
I've checked the website and the descriptions are pretty vague. Frankly I don't know what the heck I have.
I do like the Robusto size though. At least for the winter time in the garage or outside. Smokable without the fear of hypothermia. LOL
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