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All Cigar Discussion>Cigar Room Setup.....
Blues Tiger 09:30 PM 12-07-2008
I put a AirKing window fan in my smoking room. Open the window, turn it on medium and leave the door cracked open about 2 inches and you are good to go. The fan pulls air from throughout the whole house so as long as it is on no smoke can escape. I was skeptical at first but it really works! I think mine is a 16" or 19" fan with 3 speeds. It does the job for one or two smokers very well. I'll try to post a pic tomorrow to show you my setup. Also, you don't need carpet or too much fabric in the room as it will hold smoke like a sponge. Good Luck!
Winnie 07:11 AM 12-09-2008
luckily this room has hardwood floors, fabric will be at an absolute minimum, which is nice. I hope to get started on it tomorrow evening, moving the spare bed that is now there out. we will paint, and just put in a couple of our lawn chairs for now. As I go along I'm really looking forward to finding cigar type accessories and decorations for the room. maybe a small flat screen, I already have a laptop for in there. It's going to be a nice little man cave someday!
Buckeye Jack 07:25 AM 12-09-2008
I didn't go the fan in the window route, I put in an ultra quiet bathroom vent in the ducts, vented it out the back of my house. Takes care of almost everything. I let it run overnight when I have any more then 5 people in the basement. If it's only a few of us I'll let it run for a few hours after and it takes care of it. I bought the vent that was rated just bigger then the size of my basement. Been working great for 6 years now.
Winnie 07:28 AM 12-09-2008
I think I will install a bathroom fan, but not until the spring. It's -20C right now, a little cold to be drilling holes through my roof, for me anyways!:-)
Winnie 07:15 PM 12-13-2008
I'm sitting in my new room enjoying a nice smoke right now.

i have to make due with a window fan for venting right now, in the spring I will install a good exhaust fan, and I've ordered a csonka? smoke eater, from what I've read they do a pretty good job.

I'll post some pics when the decorating gets started.
Cigarcop 07:32 PM 12-13-2008
Congrats Winnie :-)
dunng 08:42 PM 12-13-2008
Can't wait to see the pics! Congrats! :-)
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