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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Just received...
ApexAZ 11:55 PM 11-09-2011
Originally Posted by Jefft72:
Looks like a nice cutter. I am still using the newbie $2 plastic guillotine cutter. I don't yet realize what I am missing.

Dang, now I have just rationalized that my experience will be greatly increased once I get a decent cutter. Oh well, that's way hobbies go in general.
Me too and it sucks BAD. I have a xi3 on my christmas wish list. These look nice too though.
MrClean 01:18 AM 11-10-2011
Originally Posted by IndyRob:
unfortunately... I didn't listen to my wife's sound advice of "all the words are important"
Lord, please don't let my wife read this, I'd never hear the end of it. :-)
IndyRob 09:49 AM 11-10-2011
Originally Posted by MrClean:
Lord, please don't let my wife read this, I'd never hear the end of it. :-)
My wife likes to remind me at least once a week. :-)
LigaPrivadaT84 10:07 AM 11-10-2011
Sweet Palio - I've owned the original since '05 and have been using it almost exclusively.
Congrats on a fine purchase. :-)
ApexAZ 10:55 AM 11-10-2011
Originally Posted by LigaPrivadaT84:
Sweet Palio - I've owned the original since '05 and have been using it almost exclusively.
Congrats on a fine purchase. :-)

Is it still sharp?
mase 02:08 PM 11-10-2011
The cutter looks great. Congrats!
Mutombo 05:15 PM 11-10-2011
Nice cutter, I actually prefer the camo to the carbon fiber. I have the black one, but have been debating picking up either the camo or the woodgrain Palio as well.

Off to look at cbid...
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