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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Opinions requested
javstel 01:30 PM 01-19-2011
my bad Kreth... not sure where I got dave from
kaisersozei 01:32 PM 01-19-2011
Originally Posted by javstel:
my bad Kreth... not sure where I got dave from
Dave's not here.

(C'mon, open up! I got the stuff!)

Brutus2600 01:35 PM 01-19-2011
Welcome Jason!

Greg, I'm not sure why you're surprised that he's already getting bombed...he is your son in law after all...and I've seen the chant "bomb ggainey" more often than I can count in various banter threads :-)
357 01:40 PM 01-19-2011
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
It goes like this:

Pretty sweet actually. As he said, probably wouldn't use it often, but personally if I had a special smoke I really wanted to take my time with I might give that a try. Thanks.
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