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General Discussion>Painting Rant
Barndog 02:07 PM 07-25-2010
I hate to paint. I am not any good at it so i have got to a point of why try. I took a new job in May doing building maintenance. After i started they said part of job is to paint. The boss has seen one room and thinks he may use some of my other skills in the future. I hope that you like the new color this time.
GreekGodX 02:39 PM 07-25-2010
Originally Posted by Tuxguy:
it clearly stats on the top label of the can NOT RETURNABLE!!!
We will see tomorrow
Just because it is in big bold print doesn't mean it's true. Anything can be negotiated :-) I know they didn't take it back but I would have kept trying.
Tuxguy 09:54 PM 07-26-2010
Went back a 2nd time. They took it back this time!! We bought a different color. This time we like it!
loki 10:01 PM 07-26-2010
Originally Posted by Tuxguy:
Went back a 2nd time. They took it back this time!! We bought a different color. This time we like it!
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