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All Cigar Discussion>Clean Hands...
Snake Hips 03:51 AM 04-13-2010
Interesting, thanks for the tip. However, after a cigar, I can't stop smelling my hands! I love the smell.
Nurse_Maduro 05:00 PM 04-13-2010
Speaking of dirty sanchezes and toothpaste....(never thought I'd see those two things together in my lifetime!)

I used to be direct care staff for developmentally disabled individuals, and we used to use shaving cream to remove the smell of...well, poop. I figure if it works for that, it should work for the smell of cigar stinkfinger. :-)
RevSmoke 10:27 PM 04-13-2010
works also on hands with stink from fishing. :-)
CigarDisciple 03:51 PM 04-15-2010
Considering what we as men and (women) are willing to put in our mouths and your worried about your fingers? Why don't you do what Catherine the Great of Russia did and use a tissue to hold the cigar or better yet hold the cigar at the label.
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