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All Cigar Discussion>Clean Hands...
CigarNut 02:13 PM 04-08-2010
Maybe it's just me, but usually after I smoke a cigar my hands stink from holding the cigar, and that stink does not wash off easily.

Thanks to Mark and Brian (morning radio show on KLOS FM in LA) I have a solution that I have tested.

It sounds crazy, but wash your hands with toothpaste. The basic white Colgate toothpaste is fine, but you can use the fancy stuff too. Be aware that whitening toothpaste contains Hydrogen Peroxide, which can be an irritant if you have sensitive skin -- that's why the basic white Colgate works best.

Just take a dollup on damp hands and rub it around -- just like soap. Scrub well, risnse and viola - clean hands!

Anyway, I've tried this a couple of times and it works great! It kind of makes sense as toothpaste has to be a powerful cleaner and deorderizeor in order to clean your teeth and mouth.
tobii3 02:15 PM 04-08-2010
so whaddaya brush yer teeth with? Shampoo??

kelmac07 02:17 PM 04-08-2010
Originally Posted by tobii3:
so whaddaya brush yer teeth with? Shampoo??

:-) :-)
hotreds 02:18 PM 04-08-2010
Like the sleepy guy that brushed his teeth with Preparation H!
Commander Quan 02:19 PM 04-08-2010
I like that smell
KenyanSandBoa 02:29 PM 04-08-2010
Very cool...I'll have to give that a try. That's the one thing the little lady complains about...she doesn't like stinky fingers. :-):-)
tobii3 02:31 PM 04-08-2010
Originally Posted by hotreds:
Like the sleepy guy that brushed his teeth with Preparation H!
makes it SO much easier to use a straw! And even BETTER at whistling!!!

jmsremax 02:40 PM 04-08-2010
I hate stinky fingers :-)
CueTheMusic 02:50 PM 04-08-2010
I've been doing this for quite a while. It works pretty well, doesn't always take care of it, but it really does help. :-)
marge796 02:55 PM 04-08-2010
I just wash with normal soap, then sprinkle a little lemon or lime juice that come in those little plastic containers. You'll have fresh smelling hands for sure.


Darrell 02:57 PM 04-08-2010
I don't sniff my fingers after cigars so I don't really care. :-)
HK3- 03:03 PM 04-08-2010
Originally Posted by Darrell:
I don't sniff my fingers after cigars so I don't really care. :-)
If you smoke a cigar that has a dyed wrapper, and the dye comes off on your fingers.... Would this be considered a dirty sanchez? :-)
weak_link 03:13 PM 04-08-2010
Originally Posted by HK3-:
If you smoke a cigar that has a dyed wrapper, and the dye comes off on your fingers.... Would this be considered a dirty sanchez? :-)
jmsremax 03:23 PM 04-08-2010
Originally Posted by Darrell:
I don't sniff my fingers after cigars so I don't really care. :-)
Oh, we were talking about cigars?
eboniknight 10:43 PM 04-11-2010
Using a hand sanitizer works too.....then follow that up with some hand soap! Works wonders.
whodeeni 12:42 AM 04-12-2010
Not being funny, but you must perspire a lot? I personally don't have
this problem, and don't believe i've experienced it. I was once dating
this girl and because she was a non smoker, i didn't smoke for a whole
week when she came to visit me. She still complained about smelling
smoke on my breath... "Go Figure"?:-)

Originally Posted by CigarNut:
Maybe it's just me, but usually after I smoke a cigar my hands stink from holding the cigar, and that stink does not wash off easily.

Thanks to Mark and Brian (morning radio show on KLOS FM in LA) I have a solution that I have tested.

It sounds crazy, but wash your hands with toothpaste. The basic white Colgate toothpaste is fine, but you can use the fancy stuff too. Be aware that whitening toothpaste contains Hydrogen Peroxide, which can be an irritant if you have sensitive skin -- that's why the basic white Colgate works best.

Just take a dollup on damp hands and rub it around -- just like soap. Scrub well, risnse and viola - clean hands!

Anyway, I've tried this a couple of times and it works great! It kind of makes sense as toothpaste has to be a powerful cleaner and deorderizeor in order to clean your teeth and mouth.

Throb 02:00 AM 04-12-2010
Where is Major Capt. Silly when you need him
Emjaysmash 07:00 AM 04-12-2010
Originally Posted by Commander Quan:
I like that smell
:-) Same. Why would you wanna wash it off?

Originally Posted by Throb:
Where is Major Capt. Silly when you need him
:-) :-)
1badhog07 09:00 PM 04-12-2010
Originally Posted by Darrell:
I don't sniff my fingers after cigars so I don't really care. :-)
kydsid 09:22 PM 04-12-2010
Anytime I think hmm I smell like a cigar I just smoke another one.
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