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General Discussion>Faces of Meth
elderboy02 06:09 AM 03-12-2010
Holy crap! :-)
ucla695 06:31 AM 03-12-2010
That's sick.
poker 06:46 AM 03-12-2010
Originally Posted by rhmalone:
Imagine the stories behind the eyes.
Trust me, it would scare you and most others. Addiction can & will take you places you never dreamed of & make you do things beyond reason. Trust me, I know firsthand.
GreekGodX 06:52 AM 03-12-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Pic 29-30 is hiliarious.:-) Not funny that she became addicted to meth, but the transformation in appearance in general.
Meth actually helped 3-4's looks :-)

On a serious note this is just terrible. 16 people that have thrown their lives away.
mosesbotbol 06:52 AM 03-12-2010
Originally Posted by poker:
Trust me, it would scare you and most others. Addiction can & will take you places you never dreamed of & make you do things beyond reason. Trust me, I know firsthand.
Addition can re-write logic and reason in one's mind.

You think they declined physically on the outside, imagine what's going on internally. :-)
shilala 08:01 AM 03-12-2010
Originally Posted by poker:
Trust me, it would scare you and most others. Addiction can & will take you places you never dreamed of & make you do things beyond reason. Trust me, I know firsthand.
The speed and strength with which drugs take people away never ceases to amaze me. It's almost an impossible way back, too.
Emjaysmash 08:10 AM 03-12-2010
We just watched a documentary featuring some of these pics in my Sociology class. It was very interesting and heartbreaking.
maninblack 08:14 AM 03-12-2010
Very disturbing and sad pictures. People throw their lives away for a quick hit.
borndead1 08:48 AM 03-12-2010
Originally Posted by mithrilG60:
It doesn't help that long-term use of meth produces psychosis which makes this behaviour worse.
I had a friend go "over the edge", never to return. Had another friend get dangerously close to the edge. Luckily he's OK now...well, he's OK mentally. He did end up with Hepatitis C from shooting meth.

Long term users develop a weird sort of paranoid schizophrenia. There's always some kind of "plot" against them, people out to get them for something they did or something they know. The first friend ran off to Las Vegas because he was convinced that the DEA was after him for something he did in the 80s...he thought his house was bugged and the neighbor had cameras pointed at his windows. My second friend -- get this -- thought that his girlfriend was pregnant with another man's baby, and that he (my friend) had killed this baby by having sex with his girlfriend and "poisoning" her with his toxic sperm, and this other dude was out to kill him. I was ready to call the guys in white coats to haul him away, but managed to get him to go to sleep. When he woke up, I sat him down and had a LONG talk with him.

Most drugs, even harder ones like cocaine and heroin, have at least some kind of redeeming/medical quality in their pure form.

Meth does absolutely NOTHING except destroy people's lives.

OK...since someone else "came clean" in this thread, I will too.

I used to be a meth user, from age 19 to about 23. I also came dangerously close to drug-induced psychosis. Luckily my wake up call actually woke me up.

Most addicts get several "wake up calls". Some listen, some don't. I'm glad I did. :-)

acarr 09:53 AM 03-12-2010
They all look like they lost a good chunk of weight.
borndead1 12:51 PM 03-13-2010
Originally Posted by acarr:
They all look like they lost a good chunk of weight.

They call it the "Jenny Crank Diet" for a reason! :-)
Partagaspete 09:12 AM 03-14-2010
Originally Posted by floydpink:
I was gonna comment that some look like the junkies around Florida and noticed it is Hillborough County Sherriff, so it IS the junkies around here.

Glad the stuff wasn't around when I was running wild, or at least i never saw it.

Not sure why, but meth is unfortunately popular with the redneck hillbilly crowd. Maybe it's cheap?
The reason it is hitting small town america is it is easy for Bithlo Bob to set up a little chemisry set and crank it out in his single wide. Making easy money, Who cares about the lives it destroys.

To those BOTL that got over your addictions you have my respect. I can only imagine how tough it must have been
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