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Sports>Patrick Kane Arrested
tobii3 07:21 PM 08-09-2009
wait...are we talking about "professional Athletes" or the members of Congress??

I can't remember who gets paid more to do less??

Last time I checked, I make right at $6.95 an hour. And that's after 20 years.
icehog3 11:49 PM 08-09-2009

Looks like the cabbie in question is a 62 year old man, and looks like he took some punches to the face. I think Patrick might have just punched his own ticket right outta Chicago. :-)
GHC_Hambone 02:45 AM 08-10-2009
Hmm...very weird story. Kinda disappointing if Kane actually did it. Waiting for more facts to come out though.
SeanGAR 05:52 AM 08-10-2009
From a youtube comment ....

If he's assigned community service, he could serve it out as a spokesman for the March of Dimes.


Let me guess ... alcohol was thought to be involved.

Where the hell did respect for other people go?
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