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All Cigar Discussion>Help! Best non-torch lighter?
WildBlueSooner 06:02 PM 03-16-2009
Originally Posted by TripleF:
Ditto! That's what I use. It's a soft flame that works just as effectively!!
Made a bid on one yesterday and some idiot way overpaid! Ill keep on the prowl!
688sonarmen 05:08 PM 03-27-2009
Originally Posted by smokin5:
I go back & forth between my torches (Blazer & Walmart Ronson) and my Bic. I don't have any problem with either.
Just use different techniques, depending on which one I use.
If you're having problems with a torch, just reach for a Bic. No worries.:-)

WildBlueSooner 05:19 PM 03-27-2009
I changed my mind by the way! I was lucky enough to get bombed a lighter (Ronson torch) and I love it! Must have been the crappy torch I got at the B&M!
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