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General Discussion>My Wife got a Job Today!
Starscream 08:10 AM 01-30-2009
Originally Posted by Mark C:

Childcare is crazy ain't it? My wife was a daycare teacher just before our son was born, her monthly pay was almost exactly what it would cost to send the boy to daycare there, even with a discount. What I don't understand is she was responsible for up to 10 kids, so the labor cost must only be ~10% of the monthly bill... where the hell does the other 90% go!? I understand there are overhead costs, but 90%?!
Daycare costs are not as bad in my town as it is in many cities, but still it's a high cost. Especially w/ three kids. We have one child in all day care, and two in after school care. Good news is my wife only has to pay half the cost on the youngest now that she is employed at his daycare.
ahc4353 08:18 AM 01-30-2009
Congratulations to the both of you!
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