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All Cigar Discussion>Would you ever quit smoking?
shilala 09:55 PM 11-14-2011
If there was any reasonable expectation whatsoever that cigar smoking was affecting any part of my life adversely, I'd quit in a heartbeat.
That goes for everything, it's a standard blanket statement.
I've given up lots of things in order to better my health and happiness, cigars don't have any special powers that'd cause me to even think twice about quitting, if need be.
shilala 10:04 PM 11-14-2011
Originally Posted by big a:
Well I have had some unexpected heath things come up that is not releated to cigar smoking but it has got me thinking/ wondering if I should give it up. So my question to you is, it there anything you can think of that would drive you give up smoking?
It's good to get the input of others on this, but boiled down, it's your life, brother. You have to do what YOU think is best. At the end of the day, you alone will bear the consequences of your choice, not us.
There's not a person here that wouldn't support you 100% if you chose to stop, so don't let anyone's opinion sway your decision. It's not our opinion that matters.
Best of luck with your struggle and prayers for the best possible outcome. :-)
Drez 11:31 PM 11-14-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
It's good to get the input of others on this, but boiled down, it's your life, brother. You have to do what YOU think is best. At the end of the day, you alone will bear the consequences of your choice, not us.
There's not a person here that wouldn't support you 100% if you chose to stop, so don't let anyone's opinion sway your decision. It's not our opinion that matters.
Best of luck with your struggle and prayers for the best possible outcome. :-)


As many have stated if health reasons came up that I needed to quit cigars then of course I would. However I don't smoke multiple cigars a day let alone even smoke everyday. I try and pace myself so that I never "over due" it.

I have kicked smoking cigg's and I don't drink all that often so I don't foresee the need for me to think about having to quit. I hope all is well and like has been stated we will support you and still be here for you if you quit or not.

It's great to enjoy a good cigar with company but great company doesn't need a good cigar to be enjoyed.
icehog3 01:06 AM 11-15-2011
Originally Posted by cobra03:
But what if it turns out zombies can make good cuban cigars? I would smoke good zombie cigars.
Would they wear gloves?
irratebass 03:37 AM 11-15-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
It's good to get the input of others on this, but boiled down, it's your life, brother. You have to do what YOU think is best. At the end of the day, you alone will bear the consequences of your choice, not us.
There's not a person here that wouldn't support you 100% if you chose to stop, so don't let anyone's opinion sway your decision. It's not our opinion that matters.
Best of luck with your struggle and prayers for the best possible outcome. :-)
Originally Posted by Drez:

As many have stated if health reasons came up that I needed to quit cigars then of course I would. However I don't smoke multiple cigars a day let alone even smoke everyday. I try and pace myself so that I never "over due" it.

I have kicked smoking cigg's and I don't drink all that often so I don't foresee the need for me to think about having to quit. I hope all is well and like has been stated we will support you and still be here for you if you quit or not.

It's great to enjoy a good cigar with company but great company doesn't need a good cigar to be enjoyed.
Nuff' said......end of thread.

Since I have just recently got into this hobby seriously I told myself that I wouldn't quit until I die, even on my deathbed I'll still be smoking, unless like others have said I lose interest in it.
SteelCityBoy 05:35 AM 11-15-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
It's good to get the input of others on this, but boiled down, it's your life, brother. You have to do what YOU think is best. At the end of the day, you alone will bear the consequences of your choice, not us.
There's not a person here that wouldn't support you 100% if you chose to stop, so don't let anyone's opinion sway your decision. It's not our opinion that matters.
Best of luck with your struggle and prayers for the best possible outcome. :-)
Well said!!! I share the same thoughts and sediments...:-)
Blak Smyth 05:38 AM 11-15-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I would quit if they stopped making cigars, and all the old ones were smoked up.

Or if zombies take over Cuba.
I think you mean "when" zombies take over Cuba!

I think I will smoke for the rest of my life, however I would quit if my health required it.

I hope everything works out for you brother!
hammondc 06:24 AM 11-15-2011
Yep. I am probably smoking through the last of my stash now. I have probably 2 dozen smokes left. My wife quit smoking cigarettes so I do not have a smoking buddy anymore and I do not want to encourage her. So...I only smoke in my car when I am on long drives for work. After these are all gone, I am not sure if I will buy more. The good thing is all my really good stuff that is left. If I buy more, they will definitely be boxes of CC.....all smaller smokes like PCs. wife and I have found a new love for wine, so that is eating up my cigar budget...
hammondc 06:24 AM 11-15-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
If there was any reasonable expectation whatsoever that cigar smoking was affecting any part of my life adversely, I'd quit in a heartbeat.
That goes for everything, it's a standard blanket statement.
I've given up lots of things in order to better my health and happiness, cigars don't have any special powers that'd cause me to even think twice about quitting, if need be.

And this.
Subvet642 06:26 AM 11-15-2011
I've never even tried to quit smoking; Mamma didn't raise any quitters! I'm not gonna stop smoking 'till about three days after I die. I fully expect to be buried with tobacco. :-)
Crownedone 08:03 AM 11-15-2011
Yes I could quit and would quit smoking for the right reason and most of them are listed through out the thread....what I would not do if that day came would be to stop buying and collecting cigars. A great cigar is art to me, so I would become an art collector. Then share this art with the world.
big a 12:45 PM 11-15-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
It's good to get the input of others on this, but boiled down, it's your life, brother. You have to do what YOU think is best. At the end of the day, you alone will bear the consequences of your choice, not us.
There's not a person here that wouldn't support you 100% if you chose to stop, so don't let anyone's opinion sway your decision. It's not our opinion that matters.
Best of luck with your struggle and prayers for the best possible outcome. :-)
First I would like to thank everyone for their input and thoughts. They are very close to how I fell.

Very well said Scott. As I said, my wife and I have talked this over and we have come to the conclusion that until we find any information and facts that I was going to carry on how I was after all this treatment is done. You are very correct that I have to live with the decision and I all I can do is try to educate myself to make the best decision. I have talked to my doctor and they give the standard doctor reply of “well it is not good to smoke cigars and you should consider giving it up.” This was at the very start of it all back in May and after it is all said and done I plan to have this conversation with them again.

Now on to my next and last questions I hope. I have been doing some research and I cannot find any information that would link Testicle Cancer to any other Cancers resulting from cigar smoking. I know T.C. can spread to the lungs but at that point it is my understanding that it is still T.C. that has spread into the lungs. I have not found that once I have a type of cancer that it increases my chances of getting a different type of cancer later on. In all of the research that anyone has done, or studies they have read on the issue, does anyone recall anything about relations between TC and other cancers? I have not stumbled upon any and in the brief conversations with my doctors it does not appear that they have either. I plan to have this conversation with them when it is all over but in the mean time I'm try to do some research ahead of time so I can be prepared.

Mods- if this is the wrong section or something that should not be discussed here I apologize and feel free to lock, delete, or move the thread. Whichever would be best.
Volusianator 12:48 PM 11-15-2011
Of course I would.
icehog3 01:10 PM 11-15-2011
Andrew, just wanted to say I wish you the best in dealing with your health issues, and the CA family is always here if you need us.
colinb913 01:18 PM 11-15-2011
I would quit dipping before I quit cigars.

If there was a health concern that could be linked with tobacco usage, I would probably blame it on dipping and not on cigars. How ever if I got emphysema or lung cancer, then I would stop smoking.
shilala 02:14 PM 11-15-2011
Andrew, there's all kinds of tests showing that everything is related to cancer. We've gone round and round about it here.
The general concensus is that the benefit we get from stress reduction greatly outweighs any of the published "cigars cause cancer" documentation. Those, by the way, show very little correlation for non-inhalers, which is the way we smoke.
It still goes back to you. You could be that one guy in a million, and there may be a correlation. The odds would be real slim, but I'm a guy who won a 1 in a billion genetic malformation/concurrent disease lottery, so it doesn't seem at all far fetched to me.
Because of my illness I don't do many, many things from coffee to diet to activities to you name it. I sometimes don't smoke cigars if they seem to be affecting me adversely.

I've become a junior doctor specializing in neural disorders because of my condition. It all starts with Google. You'll not likely find the exact direct correlation studies you're looking for, but you'll find broad enough information that you can make very educated choices. I literally have hundreds of hours in study, that's what you have to put in to get educated.
My suggestion is to study the biology of cancer, get a good, sound understanding of the tests and terminology, then start looking for papers done by doctors who have done some more specific testing in the areas you're concerned.

Ultimately, in my instance, I've adopted an "everything in EXTREME moderation" lifestyle. I'll even do things I know I shouldn't, despite knowing there's going to be a severe price to pay the next day.
I'm not dealing with cancer, though.
You've got a far different scope, and what I have won't kill me. You're really going to have to amp up your game. Personally, were I in your shoes, I'd not do anything remotely connected to your problem. Meaning I'd give up cigars in a heartbeat. But I'd also give up lots of other things and adopt a completely different diet and lifestyle.
That's really all I can add except my prayers and support. God has carried me every minute of every day. He's able and willing to do the very same for you and yours. :-)
Benwoo 02:31 PM 11-15-2011
I haven't come across any data pertaining to your cancer questions. I have come across some doctor studies where they state they wouldn't ask their clients to quit smoking cigars or pipes because the loss of a stress and anxiety reducer would most likely be far more detrimental to their health. While they did cover their bums by stating it is conceivable it could raise chances of getting cancer they felt there was no real solid proof.

Oh and more on point, I don't see a reason at this point why I'd stop smoking my pipes or cigars unless I get bored.

I wish you luck in your struggles ahead brudda.

manny 06:17 PM 11-15-2011
As many have stated if health reasons came up that I needed to quit cigars then of course I would. However I don't smoke multiple cigars a day let alone even smoke everyday. I try and pace myself so that I never "over due" it.

I have kicked smoking cigg's and I don't drink all that often so I don't foresee the need for me to think about having to quit. I hope all is well and like has been stated we will support you and still be here for you if you quit or not.

It's great to enjoy a good cigar with company but great company doesn't need a good cigar to be enjoyed.

This also sums it up...
Taki 06:24 PM 11-15-2011
Originally Posted by big a:
I don't smoke all that often i was down to 1-3 a week in the nice months and maybe 1 in the winter months. Did you feel that people would judge you for still smoking? I don't care what people think and i have already had this conversation with my wife and she is totally fine with me still smoking. However i can help but feel that i am being irresponsible for still smoking.
I never care what anyone thinks about me smoking or just in general, got a real care free attitude but I just started working out more and tried spending a little more time with the wife only because she works the night shift. It was just getting to hard to get home late, smoke and spend 5 minutes with my wife so....honestly as everyone else posted on here its totally up to you brother only you can make the decision to smoke, slow down or quit. I am sure no matter what you do your friends and family will support you! Plus all here on CA I'm Sure! :-)
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