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Posted By pnoon 04-15-2012
Last WWI Vet dies. (19)
swh127: 02-28-2011 08:41 PM
DishNet users?? (1)
hscmit: 02-28-2011 07:43 PM
Cigar Aficionado (6)
kelmac07: 02-28-2011 06:09 PM
Houston Rodeo Cookoff (0)
RandJCigars: 02-28-2011 04:08 PM
I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang... (14)
Silound: 02-27-2011 10:42 PM
RIP Duke (6)
maninblack: 02-27-2011 09:31 PM
A Different Kind of Introduction (20) ( 1 2)
joeobx: 02-27-2011 06:53 PM
Some observations from a complete newbie... (32) ( 1 2)
E.J.: 02-27-2011 06:01 PM
CEOs should follow JALs example.... (2)
yakman: 02-27-2011 05:47 PM
True Friendship (3)
Barcode: 02-27-2011 08:40 AM
High Five for JK!!! (9)
Skywalker: 02-26-2011 03:16 PM
My brain is fried after this week (6)
hscmit: 02-26-2011 07:46 AM
iCraig tower speaker (0)
forgop: 02-25-2011 10:08 PM
I got a Vizio (13)
Ashcan Bill: 02-25-2011 06:59 PM
Grilling Gone Wrong (17)
Superbad: 02-25-2011 06:48 PM
Bought some cigar beads..... (8)
kelmac07: 02-25-2011 04:51 PM
So my wife got paid today.... (29) ( 1 2)
CigarNut: 02-25-2011 03:25 PM
I've learned... (16)
OHRD: 02-25-2011 01:21 PM
Signed my life away today.... (38) ( 1 2)
marge796: 02-25-2011 11:37 AM
I'm going to be a DAD!!! (91) ( 1 2 3 4 5)
CasaDooley: 02-25-2011 11:26 AM
Feeling small? (10)
kydsid: 02-24-2011 10:20 PM
Tossed my Xikar out the Truck window today. (40) ( 1 2 3)
Gophernut: 02-24-2011 07:14 PM
Ever log in, look around, and feel like you don't know anyone? (30) ( 1 2)
Starscream: 02-24-2011 09:23 AM
G()@ da^% efficiency! (24) ( 1 2)
Neens: 02-23-2011 10:53 PM
Today I called the cops... (77) ( 1 2 3 4)
markem: 02-23-2011 08:18 PM
Anyone ever order from (1)
hotreds: 02-23-2011 02:54 PM
Please vote for my coworker's gun picture entry (20) ( 1 2)
Zeuceone: 02-23-2011 02:41 PM
Internet Merit Badges for the geek in you (38) ( 1 2)
Mugen910: 02-23-2011 08:44 AM
Apple Mac Pro Purchase Info (19)
GreekGodX: 02-23-2011 07:28 AM
Man vs. Lion (3)
Neens: 02-22-2011 07:51 PM
Trade Cigarfest Cigarnut tickets for basic (0)
long_ashes: 02-22-2011 06:00 PM
America in color 1939-1943 (15)
zappaFREAK: 02-22-2011 04:19 PM
Happy Birthday Nomadicwookie! (14)
RevSmoke: 02-22-2011 03:59 PM
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!!! (33) ( 1 2)
14holestogie: 02-22-2011 03:06 PM
Moved: ...Snuff Pass? (-)
mariogolbee: 02-22-2011 11:11 AM
Moving stuff to a new computer (13)
pnoon: 02-21-2011 09:28 PM
4 days of pure hell coming up in school (7)
TBone: 02-21-2011 09:16 PM
Congratulations to DOOOOOOGE!!! (39) ( 1 2)
TBone: 02-21-2011 09:13 PM
Online Book Discussion Groups (6)
bscottskangum: 02-21-2011 08:53 PM
-Best Snuff Dispenser? (16)
Guitarman-S.T-: 02-21-2011 06:44 PM

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