stitch 02:54 PM 02-26-2011
The new shop is done, I'm healed up and I can get back to work !
The shop
Our work area
where we do our stitching and sewing
Our layout, hide cutting and saddle making area
It's about derned time !!!! :-)
maninblack 03:03 PM 02-26-2011
Nice looking setup brother!! Congrats on getting it done!
kelmac07 03:49 PM 02-26-2011
68TriShield 03:58 PM 02-26-2011
It looks like it will serve you well Jeff,well done
RevSmoke 04:35 PM 02-26-2011
Is that a smoking lamp I see lit?
Nice set-up there!
Peace of the Lord be with you.
sikk50 04:36 PM 02-26-2011
jdawg 04:37 PM 02-26-2011
Adriftpanda 04:38 PM 02-26-2011
That's just badass, Jeff. Nice job.
Chainsaw13 05:52 PM 02-26-2011
Nice setup. You just need a beer tap coming out the front wall between the two chairs.
jesseboston81 10:39 PM 02-26-2011
Looks great! I really love that wood stove!
chippewastud79 10:42 PM 02-26-2011
Very nice sir. Enough with the shop, lets see some product
kickerb 10:45 PM 02-26-2011
ahc4353 10:48 PM 02-26-2011
Congrats my friend!! Ya think I could use that spare chair outside to sit and have a smoke and a sip of bourbon?
bvilchez 10:56 PM 02-26-2011
Glad to see you're back up and running brother.
CigarNut 12:02 AM 02-27-2011
longknocker 04:02 AM 02-27-2011
Emjaysmash 08:26 AM 02-27-2011
elderboy02 09:47 AM 02-27-2011