We found each other in our quest for cigar knowledge. Pretty cool. Information and knowledge we could never hope to gain by ourselves. This sharing creates the bonds of brotherhood. (Sisterhood as well) Cigars are our common bond but much more than cigars take place here.. We are all very different people with very different lives. Respecting each others uniqueness while sharing ourselves beyond cigars here is the true test of Brotherhood.
Brotherhood means feeling bad occasionally when we “go to far”. Those with the right spirit make amen’s in their own way and we move on. Brotherhood means not always saying what you would like to say due to a concern for others. Brotherhood is giving of ourselves without expectation of gain but because it benefits others or the community.
Cigar Asylum has become one of, if not, the most active cigar board on the INTERNET. Amazing amounts of interaction take place here in a relatively friction free environment. Speaking as one of the janitors, it’s a pleasure being among-st such a civil group of inmates (semi sane adults). When things come up they get dealt with mostly by the community. When a Admin has to do something it’s normally associated with a new person not understanding our lil pleasant place or a commercial troller.
However, conflict is inevitable. People have strong views on many things. The pot boils and we all say things we wish we hadn’t. When it happens, step back take a deep breath and maybe smoke a good one. Things pass. Growing pains and community evolution is inevitable and necessary. The cigar board world has changed much in the past few months. Some may long for the past. Some have dropped off the grid. Many have joined us here to continue the legacy of our friendship and interaction. CA and the community it hosts, is what it is. Which in my opinion is…..
A special place, thanks to everyone who makes it so.
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
Brotherhood means feeling bad occasionally when we “go to far”. Those with the right spirit make amen’s in their own way and we move on. Brotherhood means not always saying what you would like to say due to a concern for others. Brotherhood is giving of ourselves without expectation of gain but because it benefits others or the community.
Excellent post Dave. Two big
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
Speaking as one of the janitors, it’s a pleasure being among-st such a civil group of inmates (semi sane adults). .
:-) would be funny to see the JAnitor walking around with the sticks you have smoking pushing a broom
:-) Kinda like seeing Bill gates stayign at a motel 6