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Entertainment>JE3146 & Ash410 Wedding Ceremony via Live Webcam
JE3146 10:39 PM 01-29-2009
The internet is a great thing. Allows you to meet people from all over the world. The catch is that when something special happens, you want to share it with all of them, but the cost of travel prevents it more times than not.

So the idea came to me to host a live web cam of some sort during the wedding via the internet that would allow everyone to watch the ceremony if they so chose.

So I'm creating this thread to see if there is any interest in it, as the time and money it'd cost to set up such a thing might be considerable, but I want to share this with my friends. Some of you I'd even call family.

If you're interested in this, please make a running list and I will keep you in the loop from here on out.


ucubed 10:42 PM 01-29-2009
I'd love to join this!!!!!
DragonMan 10:42 PM 01-29-2009
Originally Posted by ucubed:
I'd love to join this!!!!!
JE3146 10:55 PM 01-29-2009
1. ucubed
2. DragonMan
SilverFox 10:58 PM 01-29-2009
I wouldnt miss it.

Only thing that will stop me from enjoying a cigar and watching it on the web is enjoying a cigar and watching it in person.

I am allowed to smoke at your wedding right?? :-)

JE3146 11:03 PM 01-29-2009
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
I wouldnt miss it.

Only thing that will stop me from enjoying a cigar and watching it on the web is enjoying a cigar and watching it in person.

I am allowed to smoke at your wedding right?? :-)
There will be 2 nice large fire pits where all the cigar smokers can congregate. :-)

Though my presence at either of these may be sporadic and limited due to the obvious. :-)
s0leful0ne 11:41 PM 01-29-2009
i would be greatly interested in joining
Skywalker 12:55 AM 01-30-2009
Originally Posted by JE3146:
1. ucubed
2. DragonMan
3. SilverFox
4. s0leful0ne
5. Skywalker

Why did this come to mind???
SmokeyNL 01:57 AM 01-30-2009
1. ucubed
2. DragonMan
3. SilverFox
4. s0leful0ne
5. Skywalker
6. SmokeyNL
Prefy 02:47 AM 01-30-2009
As long as I'm not in the bush working I'll be there via webcam! Great Idea by the way!!!

1. ucubed
2. DragonMan
3. SilverFox
4. s0leful0ne
5. Skywalker
6. SmokeyNL
7. Prefy
Don Fernando 03:37 AM 01-30-2009
depends on the time of day, the time difference might make it hard for me to watch you throw away your freedom.
JE3146 03:52 AM 01-30-2009
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
depends on the time of day, the time difference might make it hard for me to watch you throw away your freedom.
Should be around 4pm to 5pm PST.
Don Fernando 04:05 AM 01-30-2009
and what time is that in the real world?
JE3146 04:10 AM 01-30-2009
Originally Posted by don fernando:
and what time is that in the real world?
gmt -08:00

Amsterdam is gmt +01:00

so subtract 9 hours from Amsterdam time.
Don Fernando 04:13 AM 01-30-2009
so it's frikkin' early in the morning here, that leaves me out of this, sorry dude
JE3146 04:26 AM 01-30-2009
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
so it's frikkin' early in the morning here, that leaves me out of this, sorry dude
I'll set the feed to record for you Don. :-)
Don Fernando 04:41 AM 01-30-2009
why don't just just get married in Vegas while we're all there? Then I can be your best man :-)
elderboy02 11:18 AM 01-30-2009
I'd probably watch it. What you really need to do is get a live feed for the bachelor party. I'll throw dollar bills at my computer monitor for the stripper :-)
ahc4353 11:20 AM 01-30-2009
1. ucubed
2. DragonMan
3. SilverFox
4. s0leful0ne
5. Skywalker
6. SmokeyNL
7. Prefy
8. Al
KidRock 11:21 AM 01-30-2009
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