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Boss Hogg 04:48 PM 01-29-2009

Okay, so I was all excited for my new purchases coming today. Each box was purchased from a different vender. I opened the Hemingway box and it looked beautiful as ever. I was well pleased with this box. :-)

However, I then opened up the VSG box and was horrified to see this :-)


I won't mention who they are from. Hopefully I will find out that they will do whatever it takes to replace/refund me. Please take a few moments of silence for these fallen sticks... :-)
croatan 04:51 PM 01-29-2009
Based on that pic, they look ok to me :-)
Bear 04:53 PM 01-29-2009
Surface mould? NP, wipe it off and you're good to go.
Footbag 04:53 PM 01-29-2009
Mold? Can't really tell from the pics. Even if it was mold, I'd wipe it off and smoke one to see how they are.
St. Lou Stu 04:54 PM 01-29-2009
:-)A few white spots maybe?
Wipe em off..... Or is that one on the end demolished near the cap?
RJK18 04:54 PM 01-29-2009
Originally Posted by croatan:
Based on that pic, they look ok to me :-)
Look at the top left of the third stick in.
Snake Hips 04:58 PM 01-29-2009
Are you kidding, smoke those bad boys! Just mold...
hotreds 05:05 PM 01-29-2009
I agree- no problemo with those!(From what is shown in the pic.)
Chompers 05:14 PM 01-29-2009
Does surface mold not affect the taste of the wrapper/cigar?

I've always heard to just wipe it off..
Boss Hogg 05:17 PM 01-29-2009
Well, from the picture you can only see some of it. However, it is spread on the foot of the cigar all the way to the top in patches. Yes, I could wipe it off... and I know it will come back from past experiences, but the point is when you pay for something this nice it shouldn't come this way to begin with. Maybe I'm just picky.
karmaz00 05:21 PM 01-29-2009
maybe contact the vendor, or wipe it off its probley good to go
ScottieM 05:22 PM 01-29-2009
The cigars are probably fine but, if your not a satisfied customer, Send em Back.
Mr Edmundo 05:24 PM 01-29-2009
Isn't that just plume? :-)
BroncoHorvath 05:37 PM 01-29-2009
Originally Posted by ScottieM:
The cigars are probably fine but, if your not a satisfied customer, Send em Back.
GWN 05:55 PM 01-29-2009
Bought a box of Cusanos three years ago with about with about the same amount of surface mold. As they were carried back from the States, I couldn't send them back. Wiped them with paper towel and the spots never came back. Think I still have two in the humi and they're still fine. If the mold is in the foot, it's a different story, but if it's just on the surface, a wipe should do it. Still let the vendor know, though.
Boss Hogg 06:27 PM 01-29-2009
Called the vender and the sales rep was rude. She insisted it was plume and wanted to argue about it over the phone. Thankfully the customer service rep she transferred me to was great. He said that it was no problem and that he will send a prepaid return label and either credit me or exchange the box. I'm very happy with that minus the first sales rep. :-)

Honestly I have wiped others off and have closed the box only to open it in a months time to find it again. I appreciate all your input but I will be sending these back. Thank everyone. :-)
Java 06:30 PM 01-29-2009
Man, I understand how you feel but hell, would rather take them than they be destroyed. Who knows what will happen to em at this point.
cigardude 06:42 PM 01-29-2009
You made the right move. Hope everything turns out okay.
ronhoffman2 06:51 PM 01-29-2009
for the price of those smokes, i wouldn't want mold on them either. i would also send 'em back.
SmokinApe 07:49 PM 01-29-2009
"She insisted it was plume" Of course...
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