Tio Gato 05:41 AM 01-15-2009
Providence TV station NBC10 is reporting that Colibri has abruptly shutdown it's operation in Rhode Island, including the repair center.
Employees found a note on the door of the business saying that they would be paid up until yesterday.
I'm posting this because some may be considering sending in their lighter for repair under their warranty program. If you send it you may never see it again. You may want to contact the company before sending anything in for repair.
Don Fernando 05:44 AM 01-15-2009
wow, that is harsh for the employees, and for the customers that have send in their lighter and haven't had it back yet
silentjon 06:03 AM 01-15-2009
I should send them my two Colibri lighters that stopped working shortly after I bought them - I don't want them. These lighters suck.
ucla695 07:49 AM 01-15-2009
Yikes! That's a harsh way to find out.
Originally Posted by silentjon:
I should send them my two Colibri lighters that stopped working shortly after I bought them - I don't want them. These lighters suck.
:-) I have two Colibris and both have stopped working. I've been done with this brand ever since. Dupont and Blazer for me.
dunng 07:54 AM 01-15-2009
That sucks for the employees... too bad the lighters sucked too...
Brock 08:00 AM 01-15-2009
That really blows for the employees. They should have told them the day before so they could have at least slept in.
Silound 11:20 AM 01-15-2009
CigaSkills9 11:48 AM 01-15-2009
Welcome to todays Economy! Damn that sucks!
silentjon 11:50 AM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by Lt. Skills:
Welcome to todays Economy! Damn that sucks!
I think it is because they make crappy lighters.
replicant_argent 11:55 AM 01-15-2009
You wonder if their quality had been better, they might not have shut down.
MikeyC 12:08 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by silentjon:
I think it is because they make crappy lighters.
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
You wonder if their quality had been better, they might not have shut down.
I swore off their lighters because I've bought a few and they've all stopped working abruptly. Lately I've been buying the new Xikar lighters which are great IMO.
I feel badly for their employees and their families, but I'm sure had they made a better product they would still be in business.
ade06 12:12 PM 01-15-2009
That's just cold blooded. I bet the management was taken care of.
romwarrior 12:30 PM 01-15-2009
Yeah, Colibri was my first lighter before I knew anything. It is a great ligher. When it works. Which is NEVER!
Da Klugs 12:33 PM 01-15-2009
Feel sorry for the employees. Wonder if they have more than one facility and this is just a "downsize" vs complete shutdown.
For anyone with Colibris that still generate a spark but wont light/stay lit....
Bleed them.. use a poker on the fill orifice. Hold it in your hand to warm it up before and while doing it. Bleed it until you cant hear anything with your ear right on it.
Refill and let it sit/warm up.
Might be surprised.
Buena Fortuna 12:36 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
Feel sorry for the employees. Wonder if they have more than one facility and this is just a "downsize" vs complete shutdown.
For anyone with Colibris that still generate a spark but wont light/stay lit....
Bleed them.. use a poker on the fill orifice. Hold it in your hand to warm it up before and while doing it. Bleed it until you cant hear anything with your ear right on it.
Refill and let it sit/warm up.
Might be surprised.
This works for me every time my Colibri craps out
Parshooter 12:44 PM 01-15-2009
I have a box of 6 lighters that was going to go out tomorrow. Guess I'll try to fix them myself

shilala 12:45 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
Feel sorry for the employees. Wonder if they have more than one facility and this is just a "downsize" vs complete shutdown.
For anyone with Colibris that still generate a spark but wont light/stay lit....
Bleed them.. use a poker on the fill orifice. Hold it in your hand to warm it up before and while doing it. Bleed it until you cant hear anything with your ear right on it.
Refill and let it sit/warm up.
Might be surprised.
The link to the video up above tells the whole story. There were two factories that closed and they both dicked the people over the same way. Some dick named James Fleet was in charge.
Not only did everyone show up to find they no longer had a job, Mr. Fleet wasn't decent enough to post a note telling people when they could gather their personal effects. He'll post that whenever he pleases.
I expect a few people will be looking up Mr. Fleet to explain to him how people deserve to be treated.
He's obviously missed his simple human decency classes.
SmokeyJoe 12:55 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by shilala:
The link to the video up above tells the whole story. There were two factories that closed and they both dicked the people over the same way. Some dick named James Fleet was in charge.
Not only did everyone show up to find they no longer had a job, Mr. Fleet wasn't decent enough to post a note telling people when they could gather their personal effects. He'll post that whenever he pleases.
I expect a few people will be looking up Mr. Fleet to explain to him how people deserve to be treated. :-)
He's obviously missed his simple human decency classes.
How can somebody like this Fleet guy sleep at night?
CoroHo 01:51 PM 01-15-2009
As if I didn't have enough reason to boycott these mutts...
rizzle 01:59 PM 01-15-2009
For realz?
My Colibris work like champs. Try talking sweet to them and not cursing.