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All Cigar Discussion>cigar enjoyment time dwindling?
theycallmedan'lboone 01:31 PM 01-14-2009
I've noticed that recently I've got 2-3 and even 4 weeks without having a cigar. Perhaps it's the cold, or the dark, or the fact that I'm working later. But lately I've not had time to smoke. Sometimes I wish I could just light up in the house, but can't. I don't really have time to go to the smoke shop and sit around for 2 hours. is there any remedy? or does it fix itself as soon as the weather comes back around?
MedicCook 01:33 PM 01-14-2009
I think you will be back to normal when the sun stays out longer and the cold air goes back to where it came from.
tobii3 01:35 PM 01-14-2009
Every day on the drive home!!!
ucla695 01:40 PM 01-14-2009
I tend to smoke less during the winter too. Nothing like spring and summer (weather and daylight) to motivate one to be outside and take in life.

Originally Posted by tobii3:
Every day on the drive home!!!

Or, you can go with some shorter cigars that will take less time to smoke.
Chompers 01:41 PM 01-14-2009
I just pick the best day out of the week when the 7-day weather thing pops up on the news and tell myself that I am smoking that day no matter what.

I like to smoke at night(I'm a night person), so it's usually colder anyway, but normally much less windy.

And you'll be back on track once this cold weather ends.
MedicCook 01:43 PM 01-14-2009
I have been smoking daggers when I walk to work.
Volt 02:00 PM 01-14-2009
Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone:
I've noticed that recently I've got 2-3 and even 4 weeks without having a cigar. Perhaps it's the cold, or the dark, or the fact that I'm working later. But lately I've not had time to smoke. Sometimes I wish I could just light up in the house, but can't. I don't really have time to go to the smoke shop and sit around for 2 hours. is there any remedy? or does it fix itself as soon as the weather comes back around?
Your in the Heart of Dixie and it's too "cold"????? Join me on my deck in VA....

It's all about priorities, what do you want to do the most. In the summer time you drive by my house on any given day, the grass will be ankle high. Riding is my priority and I'll be out riding - not mowing. You have to decide what's important to you. As I get older and life gets shorter for me it's not the chores, work, or life's other BS. I'll be with my friends, family, smoking with my dog outside, etc. When I'm gone the leakey faucet will still leak, the job will go to someone else, and my weeds will still be growing.

Some times we need a little break in life, that sitting down in a cigar shop may be exactly what you need to decompress. I find I can't do much that is troublesome, busy, or complicated when smoking a cigar. I read and listen to some music, mayby chat on CA with the laptop. When I get done i am always in a better mood and a better person to be with, same when i get off the scoot. One 2 hour time out a week really isn't a lot, more might even be healthier.

Just depends on how you want to spend your time...... And time is a non replaceable commodity. It is the most important thing in my life.
zmancbr 02:03 PM 01-14-2009
Originally Posted by tobii3:
Every day on the drive home!!!

I try to have one on the way home about half the time... It works out pretty well with my commute so I can't complain about how far I have to drive everyday lol... :-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 02:06 PM 01-14-2009
Originally Posted by Volt:
Your in the Heart of Dixie and it's too "cold"????? Join me on my deck in VA....

It's all about priorities, what do you want to do the most. In the summer time you drive by my house on any given day, the grass will be ankle high. Riding is my priority and I'll be out riding - not mowing. You have to decide what's important to you. As I get older and life gets shorter for me it's not the chores, work, or life's other BS. I'll be with my friends, family, smoking with my dog outside, etc. When I'm gone the leakey faucet will still leak, the job will go to someone else, and my weeds will still be growing.

Some times we need a little break in life, that sitting down in a cigar shop may be exactly what you need to decompress. I find I can't do much that is troublesome, busy, or complicated when smoking a cigar. I read and listen to some music, mayby chat on CA with the laptop. When I get done i am always in a better mood and a better person to be with, same when i get off the scoot. One 2 hour time out a week really isn't a lot, more might even be healthier.

Just depends on how you want to spend your time...... And time is a non replaceable commodity. It is the most important thing in my life.

Very well said:-)
ActionAndy 02:09 PM 01-14-2009
Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone:
I've noticed that recently I've got 2-3 and even 4 weeks without having a cigar. Perhaps it's the cold, or the dark, or the fact that I'm working later. But lately I've not had time to smoke. Sometimes I wish I could just light up in the house, but can't. I don't really have time to go to the smoke shop and sit around for 2 hours. is there any remedy? or does it fix itself as soon as the weather comes back around?
I had the same problem, and it started about...Thanksgivingish I'd say? Last Friday I was finally in the mood for a nice smoke and I was out at the bars instead. I got home and was too tiresd and buzzed so I promised myself I'd do some damage to my stock on Saturday. And I did, had my first 5 cigar day. I think it's a lot like anything--once you force yourself back into the habit, you'll find yourself enjoying it again.
tsolomon 02:11 PM 01-14-2009
I'm in the same situation and have been in the planning stage for a ventilation system for the garage and possibly the basement. I have an Elicent 8" inline fan that I'm working with that is rated at 636 cfm. Just picked up some 8" flexible duct and I have a 4 day weekend to work on it. I'll need to do something about a damper to keep the air from blowing back when the fan is off.

I tried the B&M option, but it takes too much time and the cigars I want to smoke I already have at home. :-)
theycallmedan'lboone 02:14 PM 01-14-2009
Originally Posted by Volt:
Your in the Heart of Dixie and it's too "cold"????? Join me on my deck in VA....

I'll pass sir, unless you have fuego, but you ought to have seen me before I got acclimated to Fort Riley... Image

I think I need to reserve an hour on fridays to smoke. just do it!
Volt 02:20 PM 01-14-2009
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Very well said:-)
Unfortuantly it took the loss of 2 extremely close friends to get me to realize that "making" time was the wrong approach. The important things get the time now and every thing else I make time for if any is left over.
BarneyBandMan 02:21 PM 01-14-2009
I find a cigar and drink by the fireplace in the evening makes me a happy boy. The heat from the fire draws a large portion of the smoke up the chimney. With the kids off at college, its just me and the missus, and we enjoy that time together reflecting on our day. :-)
MedicCook 02:23 PM 01-14-2009
I wish I could smoke in the apartment. Being a good roommate though is also important so I refrain from lighting up inside.
gettysburgfreak 04:10 PM 01-14-2009
could be the cold weather and long dark days. I know that I usually go from December-April without a smoke as its to cold to smoke and I have no other place to light up.
Mr Edmundo 04:10 PM 01-14-2009
Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone:
I'll pass sir, unless you have fuego, but you ought to have seen me before I got acclimated to Fort Riley... Image

I think I need to reserve an hour on fridays to smoke. just do it!
Man, we're setting all time records for cold up here. The high has been -27 C (-16 F). Last night it hit -37 C (-35 F). I don't smoke inside, and smoking has been banned in all public places up here.
Talk about dwindling.....:-)
ActionAndy 04:34 PM 01-14-2009
I put one of these out in the garage and I gotta tell you, it really helps.

Last winter I was so miserable shivering in the garage. I started stocking up on shorter smokes this year, but then I saw that gadget on sale. Now I smoke whatever stick I want in relative comfort, and catch up on reading at the same time.
Mr Edmundo 04:39 PM 01-14-2009
Originally Posted by ActionAndy:
I put one of these out in the garage and I gotta tell you, it really helps.

Last winter I was so miserable shivering in the garage. I started stocking up on shorter smokes this year, but then I saw that gadget on sale. Now I smoke whatever stick I want in relative comfort, and catch up on reading at the same time.
Is there a super sized version for us Canucks?:-)
ActionAndy 05:05 PM 01-14-2009
Originally Posted by Mr Edmundo:
Is there a super sized version for us Canucks?:-)

Haha...Well, you attach it to whatever tank you want. That one is attached to a girly little thing for some reason. I have mine hooked up one of the really large ones that you'd hook your grill up to. It gets plenty hot--I can touch up an uneven stick just by holding it an inch away and rotating.
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