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General Discussion>quitting cigs, keeping cigars?
floydpink 02:37 PM 01-01-2009
Is this possible?

For the last 3 years I have resolved to kick the cigarrette habit and made it 3 months last year.

Problem is I always take a vacation and figure I will smoke cigs for the week and quit. Never works.

I am wondering if anyone has ever success with this?

My gut tells me to give up both until the cravings go away them ease back intot he cigars in a couple weeks.

I have made it all day and not missed the cigs too bad besides a couple cravings and am chewing the nic gum.

Thansk for any insight from those who have travelled this rocky road....
MajorCaptSilly 02:40 PM 01-01-2009
If you can handle it, try nasal snuff. It gives quite the nicotine kick and I find it more flavorful than smoking cigarettes. If you want something that is cigar-like try any of the Kendal Browns.

The Professor 02:43 PM 01-01-2009
I successfully gave up smoking cigarettes and kept smoking cigars and pipe over a year ago. No patch or gum ... just quit the cigarettes. I think the key is that you've really got to come to terms with quitting for good. I've found that there is no such thing as "just one." The other two things that were central to my success were:

1. Quitting with friends. It really helps to have a network of friends that can hold each other accountable and support one another in the process.

2. Start exercising. I started going to the gym daily. As the smoke cleared out of my lungs, I found the exercise more and more rewarding. This also helped counter the weight gain that often accompanies quitting smoking.

You can do this!!!!!
The Professor 02:44 PM 01-01-2009
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
If you can handle it, try nasal snuff. It gives quite the nicotine kick and I find it more flavorful than smoking cigarettes. If you want something that is cigar-like try any of the Kendal Browns.

And as an alternative to snuff, try snus. You don't have to sniff it and it packs a mean nic wallop. :-)
nozero 02:48 PM 01-01-2009
I wish you the best whether you quit both or just cigs. I won't tell you it's easy, but it can be done.

floydpink 02:54 PM 01-01-2009
Thanks guys, and MCS, who is this Doo Doo Brown you speak of?
Jay Hemingway 03:06 PM 01-01-2009
this is my new year resolution as well.
68TriShield 03:32 PM 01-01-2009
My wife and I quit September 30 2007.You just have to decide to do it,like the Professor said.
You can do it...period
DMK 04:09 PM 01-01-2009
It can be done. I quit cigs two yrs. ago last Aug. I'd been smoking cigs since I was 9....
I just got sick of the damn things, terrible taste and the cost constantly going up....
I didn't tell anyone I was quitting as the @$$es I work with are horrible at sabotage...
acruce 04:18 PM 01-01-2009
I smoked cigarettes for 10 years.I went to visit my wifes family one summer and didn't smoke while was there so I figured I would just quit. It has been about 15 years now that I stopped.I didn't find it to hard to stop . The first few week were hard but after that it wasn't to bad. Good luck!
MajorCaptSilly 04:34 PM 01-01-2009
You can get a free tin of snus here:

You just pay a buck for shipping. Snus is like chew except you don't have to spit.

If you want to try some nasal snuff, PM me your address and I'll send you some to try.

cricky101 04:37 PM 01-01-2009
I quite cigarettes 15 months ago after about 12 years of smoking. I had to completely get rid of all of my "triggers" for about a month, which included alcohol and coffee.

I didn't alter my cigar smoking at all because even it I had wanted them to, they don't act as a cigarette replacement. It's a very different kind of satisfaction (which I'm sure you're familiar with already).

It has gotten a lot easier but I still get cravings for a cigarette once in a while, especially when I'm on a long drive, or having a drink with other smokers.
qwerty1500 05:54 PM 01-01-2009
Also quit September 30, 2007. Unfortunately, I still haven't shook the nicotine lozenges ... still eating them like candy ... but absolutely no desire to pick up a cigarette. I have found that I enjoy the taste of cigar much more since I quit cigarettes.
Smokin Gator 06:21 PM 01-01-2009
I quit smoking cigarettes May 21 of this past year and have not had even one. I got hypnotized and it really was pretty easy. I didn't think that was possible after smoking and loving cigarettes for 25+ years. I didn't smoke any cigars either for a couple of months and I can say they taste even better now. I have no cravings for cigarettes at all.

Best of luck to you brother...
Don Fernando 06:30 PM 01-01-2009
I smoked about 30 cigarettes a day, quit cold turkey, had no problems with it at all, even though I worked as a bartender and everybody kept offering me cigarettes. it's just a state of mind, just say no, it's not that hard.

But in my case, I wasn't smoking cigars back them, so I don't know what it is to stop smoking cigarettes and keep on smoking cigars.
floydpink 06:51 PM 01-01-2009
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
You can get a free tin of snus here:

You just pay a buck for shipping. Snus is like chew except you don't have to spit.

If you want to try some nasal snuff, PM me your address and I'll send you some to try.

Thanks man, but that might be one more thing I have to try to kick.

Right now, I have my hands full trying to get off the cigarettes and strip club visits at lunch, which have me pretty viced up.
karmaz00 06:51 PM 01-01-2009
keep it up...
barbourjay 06:59 PM 01-01-2009
it can be done. i started smoking when i was 12. i stopped 2 years ago this month. i was anywhere from a pack to a pack and a half a day. i stopped with cigars for a little bit to break myself of the nicotine. i did it cold turkey but it was also my 10+ time of trying to quit. it was hardest when i was out drinking with friends but that slowly went away with time.
renton20 08:19 PM 01-01-2009
I quit back in may with the help of some great brothers from the board, Joel(yourchoice) was especially helpful. Quitting with another person was key for me. As was mentioned exercise was extremely helpful as well. I started chewing toothpicks for quite a while after I quit. At one point I was going through a few dozen a day. I don't know if you pray at all but that was one of the biggest helps to me in the first couple of months.

Although I didn't use gum or the patch my cigar intake increased drastically after I quit. I used them to help me taper down my nicotine habit. The longer I stayed quit the less and less I had time to smoke cigars, this was good at the time as I had no desire to become addicted to cigars.

Today I smoke a few cigars a week and have no physical addiction to nicotine anymore. I still do crave cigarettes sometimes but it is a million times better than before. I feel better, cigars taste better and I no longer wheeze walking up a flight of stairs.

Hope this helps bud, best of luck in your efforts. It's hard as hell and it sucks sometimes, but it is completely worth it.
SilverFox 08:36 PM 01-01-2009
While it was a looooong time ago. I quite cigs cold turkey after 15 years of smoking 2 packs a day. I found I had to be careful with my cigars as I was tempted to inhale just a little bit.

It can be done and it is worth it. Give it a shot, if it doesn't work try again, one thing for sure there is no harm in trying to quite.

I never had the issues with Nicotine that a lot of folks have so maybe I was fortunate.

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