Nazgul 04:07 PM 01-20-2017
Picked this off Amazon after coming across a review video of it. It really is a tank, that's all I can say so far. Looking forward to giving it a try tomorrow in above-freezing temperatures.
Nazgul 04:30 PM 01-20-2017
Originally Posted by Remo:
Looks good, enjoy it :-)
Thanks Remo, it will be my first torch lighter in many years
shilala 06:35 PM 01-20-2017
icehog3 11:40 PM 01-20-2017
Look forward to hearing a review tomorrow, and a follow up in a couple months. Always good to see how they work after a couple fillups.
Nazgul 08:36 AM 01-21-2017
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Look forward to hearing a review tomorrow, and a follow up in a couple months. Always good to see how they work after a couple fillups. :-)
I always found that to be the issue with my torches in the past. They grew weaker and weaker with every refill... I use Ronson butane fuel but maybe I'll have to shell out for something a little cleaner
Yamasa 09:48 AM 01-21-2017
See if you can find a product called "Whip-It".
It is refined in S.Korea by the largest butane processor in the world.
It is also refined 9x. I put Ronson or Xigar in a lighter and I have to turn up the flame after using whip it, and vice versa.
It really is a noticeable improvement in burn, and it is usually cheaper that any of the others.
Also, as a side note, a product that falls right in between these 2 in terms of burn is Weller, which supplies butane for gas soldering devices. However it is not cheap.
Nazgul 10:26 AM 01-21-2017
Originally Posted by Yamasa:
See if you can find a product called "Whip-It".
It is refined in S.Korea by the largest butane processor in the world.
It is also refined 9x. I put Ronson or Xigar in a lighter and I have to turn up the flame after using whip it, and vice versa.
It really is a noticeable improvement in burn, and it is usually cheaper that any of the others.
Also, as a side note, a product that falls right in between these 2 in terms of burn is Weller, which supplies butane for gas soldering devices. However it is not cheap.
Thanks for the tip. Doesn't look too pricey on Amazon, I will order a case if Ronson begins to fail me
Nazgul 01:51 PM 01-21-2017
Righto. The debut performance of this lighter was a success, exceedingly so. I very quickly became aware of my unfamiliarity with the strength of a triple torch. The effectiveness of the built-in punch in the foot of the lighter turned it into an ideal all-in-one tool for cigar prep. After some quick fiddling I was able to get an even toast in about 3 seconds, which remained so throughout the entirety of the stick. The punch wasn't as sharp as I am used to, but a little more effort yielded the expected result.
So far, I like it very much.
icehog3 04:01 PM 01-21-2017
Very good.
Again, I'm awaiting your review after a couple months of regular use.
Nazgul 12:13 PM 02-07-2017
Sparker died after about a week of use. No answer from the company and I'm not holding my breath. I picked up a Regal triple torch with a lifelong warranty instead. Take a pass on the Sikaro
Originally Posted by Nazgul:
Sparker died after about a week of use. No answer from the company and I'm not holding my breath. I picked up a Regal triple torch with a lifelong warranty instead. Take a pass on the Sikaro
That's too bad, thanks for the test though.
longknocker 02:33 PM 02-07-2017
Sorry It Didn't Work Out.

:-) Another Reason For Always Buying Xikar With Their Lifetime, "No Questions Asked", Warranty!
Nazgul 09:19 AM 02-08-2017
That's the way she goes. It's a pertty paperweight at least
AdamJoshua 12:15 PM 02-08-2017
Too bad about the lighter, on amazon you can just tell them it's crap and you want to return it and at least you'll get your money back. A lot of the time Amazon doesn't even want the time back and they tell you to keep it.
That being said I'm a big fan of Ronson el'cheapo torch lighters that you can get for just under 4 bucks at Walmart.
Nazgul 03:04 PM 02-08-2017
Originally Posted by AdamJoshua:
Too bad about the lighter, on amazon you can just tell them it's crap and you want to return it and at least you'll get your money back. A lot of the time Amazon doesn't even want the time back and they tell you to keep it.
That being said I'm a big fan of Ronson el'cheapo torch lighters that you can get for just under 4 bucks at Walmart.
Thanks for the tip, I may try to get a refund for it. I've searched far and wide for those Ronson Jetlites (highly recommended elsewhere as well) but I'm afraid they aren't available in Canadian stores.
Nazgul 06:11 PM 02-11-2017
I redact my previous statements. Me, being the silly fool that I am, forgot the necessity of purging torch lighters. Once I did that, all is fine again. Jumped the gun a bit, I've corrected my amazon rating and will report back when she eventually dies for good
AdamJoshua 09:35 AM 02-12-2017
Originally Posted by Nazgul:
I redact my previous statements. Me, being the silly fool that I am, forgot the necessity of purging torch lighters. Once I did that, all is fine again. Jumped the gun a bit, I've corrected my amazon rating and will report back when she eventually dies for good
Well it's not like you dumped Gibson two weeks into the fantasy season.
icehog3 09:51 AM 02-12-2017
Originally Posted by Nazgul:
I redact my previous statements. Me, being the silly fool that I am, forgot the necessity of purging torch lighters. Once I did that, all is fine again. Jumped the gun a bit, I've corrected my amazon rating and will report back when she eventually dies for good
Excellent, talk to you in a couple weeks.

Nazgul 10:47 AM 02-12-2017
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Excellent, talk to you in a couple weeks.
:-) :-)
:-):-) Glad to have the team behind me with this one