BlackDog 04:55 PM 09-15-2016
I'm considering buying an end table-style humidor. I know about Aristocrat, and that they are well regarded. However I've read of people being less than pleased with the delivery times and communication. I'm wondering who else out there may be making good quality table humidity? Any and all feedback welcome.
pnoon 04:58 PM 09-15-2016
fwiw, I had a great experience with communications and delivery time on my Aristocrat.
BlackDog 05:08 PM 09-15-2016
Thanks Peter. I am certainly not ruling out Aristocrat. I may plop down my money there and hope for the best. I know the product quality is excellent. I am simply wanting to see what other options I should research before spending $1000+.
pnoon 10:52 PM 09-15-2016
Originally Posted by BlackDog:
Thanks Peter. I am certainly not ruling out Aristocrat. I may plop down my money there and hope for the best. I know the product quality is excellent. I am simply wanting to see what other options I should research before spending $1000+.
Avallo is another reputable vendor of a quality product.
AdamJoshua 11:08 PM 09-15-2016
Warren, I've had my Aristocrat for about 2 years now and I have a stellar experience with Bob, he was more than willing to work with me on all the little details and will work with you on features and prices, really just a great experience. It was a bit to wait but I think he was within about 10 days of the date he originally gave me so that's not bad at all. I only talked to him 3 times on the phone, 2 to order and one for an update and I never had an issue. That being said I'm sure there are people that call him twice a week about a build and if he doesn't answer the phone or get back to them in 4 hours they get upset and complain, I heard a couple stories as well but can tell you it was a great experience and I freaking love my Aristocrat!
Porch Dweller 06:17 AM 09-16-2016
Originally Posted by AdamJoshua:
Warren, I've had my Aristocrat for about 2 years now and I have a stellar experience with Bob, he was more than willing to work with me on all the little details and will work with you on features and prices, really just a great experience. It was a bit to wait but I think he was within about 10 days of the date he originally gave me so that's not bad at all. I only talked to him 3 times on the phone, 2 to order and one for an update and I never had an issue. That being said I'm sure there are people that call him twice a week about a build and if he doesn't answer the phone or get back to them in 4 hours they get upset and complain, I heard a couple stories as well but can tell you it was a great experience and I freaking love my Aristocrat!
:-) Mine arrived a month ago today and has been great.
mosesbotbol 08:01 AM 09-16-2016
If you want nicer the above two; go for Buben & Zorweg.
icehog3 10:45 AM 09-16-2016
Originally Posted by AdamJoshua:
Warren, I've had my Aristocrat for about 2 years now and I have a stellar experience with Bob, he was more than willing to work with me on all the little details and will work with you on features and prices, really just a great experience. It was a bit to wait but I think he was within about 10 days of the date he originally gave me so that's not bad at all. I only talked to him 3 times on the phone, 2 to order and one for an update and I never had an issue. That being said I'm sure there are people that call him twice a week about a build and if he doesn't answer the phone or get back to them in 4 hours they get upset and complain, I heard a couple stories as well but can tell you it was a great experience and I freaking love my Aristocrat!
My experience as well, 10 years and still perfect.
dijit 11:08 AM 09-16-2016
I have had the Lauderdale from cheap humidors for nearly 3 years and my only complaint is it doesnt come with an expansion button. So when I "accidentally" buy too much it all still fits. The drawer always has about 50 sticks and the base has between 10 and 12 boxes plus maybe 50 sticks in finger bags. I dont think it can hold 500 unless you take them all out of the boxes and just stack them like cord wood. However I frequently approach the 350 to 400 mark and love it.
AdamJoshua 11:32 AM 09-16-2016
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
If you want nicer the above two; go for Buben & Zorweg.
Yes, I was thinking of upgrading, I'll have the butler retrieve a briefcases full of cash from my hot air ballon.
Dave128 11:59 AM 09-16-2016
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
If you want nicer the above two; go for Buben & Zorweg.
Just out of curiosity, how much do they cost? I looked at their site and didn't see any prices.
AdamJoshua 12:07 PM 09-16-2016
Originally Posted by Dave128:
Just out of curiosity, how much do they cost? I looked at their site and didn't see any prices.
If you have to ask...
The only prices I have found online are for their winders, which run between 6 and 19K, smaller ones for single watches can be found used for a few hundred.
I watched all the videos, the watch safes are pretty cool as well.
markem 12:09 PM 09-16-2016
I have two Aristocrats. Both are amazing pieces of art, functional decor, and humidors. Call Bob, probably late morning Dallas time and have a chat. He still remembers the desktop that he built years back and was given to me by botls here.
My pieces are heirlooms but if you do not require that then pick a price point and research that space. Also, search through the accessories thread.
mosesbotbol 12:16 PM 09-16-2016
Originally Posted by AdamJoshua:
If you have to ask...
The only prices I have found online are for their winders, which run between 6 and 19K, smaller ones for single watches can be found used for a few hundred.
I watched all the videos, the watch safes are pretty cool as well.
I was at a Buben & Zorweg store at the mall and they had watch & humidor combo's from 75-200K.
I can't imagine any humidor only from them under 10K. I could be wrong...
Dave128 01:35 PM 09-16-2016
Originally Posted by AdamJoshua:
If you have to ask...
The only prices I have found online are for their winders, which run between 6 and 19K, smaller ones for single watches can be found used for a few hundred.
I watched all the videos, the watch safes are pretty cool as well.
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
I was at a Buben & Zorweg store at the mall and they had watch & humidor combo's from 75-200K.
I can't imagine any humidor only from them under 10K. I could be wrong...
I think I'll stick with my three cheap desktops for now.
icehog3 09:42 PM 09-16-2016
So 200K for a humidor, or buy a humdor for 3K and have 197K left for cigars and hookers? I know my choice.
bmayyy 08:22 AM 09-23-2016

Originally Posted by icehog3:
So 200K for a humidor, or buy a humdor for 3K and have 197K left for cigars and hookers? I know my choice. :-)
massphatness 09:35 AM 09-23-2016
I have both an end table Avallo & Aristocrat.
Actually prefer the Avallo due to the placement of the humidity control/display which is side mounted vs. the Aritocrat which is mounted beneath the top of the humidor and creates issues when trying to Tetris boxes into the unit.
Quality-wise, both are excellent
mosesbotbol 09:39 AM 09-23-2016
Originally Posted by icehog3:
So 200K for a humidor, or buy a humdor for 3K and have 197K left for cigars and hookers? I know my choice. :-)
Figure 5K for humidor, 20K for cigars, the rest on an Aston or McLaren...
massphatness 09:47 AM 09-23-2016
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
Figure 5K for humidor, 20K for cigars, the rest on an Aston or McLaren...
Knew a stripper named Aston years & years ago. Your math is spot on, Moses.