icehog3 08:24 PM 11-24-2015
Happy 29th to my "Son", Christos! Quite a few great accomplishments for you this year to celebrate with a good cigar and some good liquor!
Though I must admit that I have never been prouder than that time you suffocated that guy and escaped prosecution. That was the kind of things a "Pop's" dreams are made of.....
markem 08:24 PM 11-24-2015
The Poet 08:47 PM 11-24-2015
pnoon 08:51 PM 11-24-2015
Happy birthday and congrats (again), Christos.
Chainsaw13 08:53 PM 11-24-2015
Happy Birthday Christos!
physiognomy 08:59 PM 11-24-2015
bonjing 09:36 PM 11-24-2015
AdamJoshua 09:38 PM 11-24-2015
Happy Birthday and Congrats, Christos!
CigarNut 09:48 PM 11-24-2015
DrDubzz 10:06 PM 11-24-2015
longknocker 04:35 AM 11-25-2015
Black Coral 05:42 AM 11-25-2015
jdakine 06:39 AM 11-25-2015
irratebass 09:09 AM 11-25-2015
Dave128 10:09 AM 11-25-2015
Happy Birthday, Christos! Enjoy!
CoffeeWaterBeer 10:10 AM 11-25-2015
Have a great BDay Christos, get some top shelf smokes in buddy.
massphatness 11:21 AM 11-25-2015