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Entertainment>Valkyrie (2008)
Darrell 05:51 PM 12-25-2008
Valkyrie (2008)


Today we made the trek to the crazy busy theater to see Tom Cruise in his latest film Valkyrie, actually let me clarify. We did not go to the movies to see Tom Cruise per se, we went because I have been eagerly awaiting the release of this movie since I first saw the preview, I in fact cannot stand that wacko Tom Cruise.

This movie is based around probably the most elaborate attempt to take Hitlers life in history. Tom Cruise is Colonel Claus Von Staffenberg a career military man who became disfigured in battle. He and several others have much disdain for the Reich and their fuhrer and launch an elaborate scheme to kill Hitler and place a new power in Berlin for the betterment of Germany.

Everything about this film was amazing. The scenery was beautiful and well thought out from the dim buildings to the bright red swastika flags which yelled out to the audience. The character development in this was amazing, every character deserving was well thought out and their background and part in the plan explained in great detail.

This was an EXCELLENT film. Their were parts of this movie that had both my heart and Danielle's heart racing in suspense and anticipation. The best things about this whole film is how it really gave you an inside look at how the plot to kill Hitler all came to together and made you realize that all of these men were high ranking military officials, Generals, Colonels, etc. If any of them had been caught during the planning of them, they would have all been killed. I really have to give credit to Tom Cruise for his role as Staffenberg as the man is a nut case in real life, but he really came to life in this film. My only beef with this film is I think it should have been completely shot in German and subtitled, but that's just me. I will purchase this on DVD for sure and would love to see it again before then.

I give it 4.5 stars. :-)

Valkyrie on iMDB.
yourchoice 06:40 PM 12-25-2008
Thanks for the review Darrell. My wife and I don't go to the movies nearly as much anymore, but this is one film I'm anxious to see. Glad to hear you thought so highly of it.
Cigary 06:51 PM 12-25-2008
Ditto this,,,have been waiting for this film to come out since I first heard. I'm with you about Mr. Cruise,,,the guy is a dillhole but if the film is that good I imagine a trip to the theater is inevitable.
hotreds 07:01 PM 12-25-2008
Yup- saw it today as well. My father is an expert on this plot, I will have to ask him how much fiction is in here. Some things I just don't think happened, but I'm no expert! I agree that this was a very good movie- hopefully the crowds that see(our theater was packed) it will learn something from it!
TOB9595 07:50 PM 12-25-2008
Darrell thanks for giving it the thumbs up.

I am usually disappointed in Cruise movies..
I am a buff of this part of the war.
M1903A1 09:48 PM 12-25-2008
IIRC, this plot was the undoing of legendary Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.

He was involved and was discovered, but because of his high standing he was secretly allowed to take poison, instead of being hanged with piano wire like the rest of the conspirators.
Pyrokin 11:06 PM 12-25-2008
Originally Posted by Darrell:

My only beef with this film is I think it should have been completely shot in German and subtitled, but that's just me.
you mean everyone doesn't speak english everywhere?!?!?!

Thanks for the review, I wasn't sure I wanted to see it but WWII shows/movies interest me, now I know I'll go see it for sure.
Darrell 11:07 PM 12-25-2008
Originally Posted by M1903A1:
IIRC, this plot was the undoing of legendary Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.

He was involved and was discovered, but because of his high standing he was secretly allowed to take poison, instead of being hanged with piano wire like the rest of the conspirators.

I bet Hitler **** a brick when he found out about Rommel. After all if my memory serves me Hitler loved Rommel which is why he was the youngest man in history to be promoted to Generalfeldmarschall.
icehog3 11:40 PM 12-25-2008
Originally Posted by M1903A1:
He was involved and was discovered, but because of his high standing he was secretly allowed to take poison, instead of being hanged with piano wire like the rest of the conspirators.
Dammit, I know the ending!!

This is worse than when someone told me Old Yeller dies before I saw the movie on TCM.
M1903A1 12:11 AM 12-26-2008
Originally Posted by icehog3:
This is worse than when someone told me Old Yeller dies before I saw the movie on TCM.
You mean Old Yeller's NOT living in a two-flat in Kalamazoo with Elvis????:-)
icehog3 12:12 AM 12-26-2008
Originally Posted by M1903A1:
You mean Old Yeller's NOT living in a two-flat in Kalamazoo with Elvis????:-)
Nope.....that would be Jim Morrison. :-)
Don Fernando 02:53 AM 12-26-2008
this movie could be the big break for Carice van Houten.
longknocker 04:03 AM 12-26-2008
Thanks for the Review, Darrell! Sounds like a "Must See"!:-)
hotreds 03:46 PM 12-26-2008
My Dad went to see it today(I don't think he's been to a movie theater in 30 years!) and told me it was very, very true to life! The only incorrect detail was at the end, all four guys were shot together, not one at a time. He was impressed- so that adds to my high regard for the film.
Darrell 09:52 PM 12-26-2008
Originally Posted by hotreds:
My Dad went to see it today(I don't think he's been to a movie theater in 30 years!) and told me it was very, very true to life! The only incorrect detail was at the end, all four guys were shot together, not one at a time. He was impressed- so that adds to my high regard for the film.
That's great news!

It's good to hear the film held true to history and was not full of all kinds of Hollywood BS!
MikeyC 09:58 PM 12-26-2008
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Dammit, I know the ending!!

This is worse than when someone told me Old Yeller dies before I saw the movie on TCM.
Is it worse than when I told you at the end of Titanic the boat sinks? :-)

On a serious note, I'm looking forward to seeing this movie. However, I've been told it's almost 3 hours long. Is that correct?
Darrell 10:04 PM 12-26-2008
Originally Posted by MikeyC:
I've been told it's almost 3 hours long. Is that correct?
No, it's just barely 2 hours.
GoatLocker 11:15 PM 12-26-2008
Saw this today with my dad, while wife, mom and daughter saw The Day The Earth Stood Still. Overall, the movie was not bad. The cinematography in the North Africa scene was great, but nothing much after that. To me Cruise was a let down, as usual. His character just didn't pull off the conflicted, torn officer leading the conspiracy save his country from Hitler.
DavenportESQ 12:34 AM 12-27-2008
Why no German accents though?
Buena Fortuna 07:30 AM 12-27-2008
Tom Cruise hasn't made a good movie since...well...'nuf said...:-)
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